WWII: What should America do?
1930s: America Favors Isolationism WHY? Think of 3 reasons why With the person sitting Behind you- write them In your notebook!
Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937
Neutrality Acts of 1935, 36, and 37 Congress passed these laws to avoid making mistakes of WWI. These laws imposed restrictions on Americans, they couldn’t sail on ships owned by nations at war, and couldn’t make loans or sell arms to nations at war.
Cash and Carry provision of Neutrality act of 1939
Cash and Carry Provision FDR felt bad for his allies! So he allows belligerent nations to buy good from the US as long as they paid cash and carried them on their own ships. The British controlled the seas so this really helped them! IS THIS TRUE NEUTRALITY?
Neutrality??? WHAT SHOULD AMERICA DO?!?!? In pairs list all the reasons that the US should intervene in WWII (2 min) Then I will be calling on people to describe their answer and their partner’s answers.
FDR leans toward involvement
Selective Service Act 1940 Congress passed this peacetime draft to provide military training for 1.2 million troops and around 800,000 reserves each year. This Selective Service Act required that men between the ages of 21 and 35 register with local draft boards. Later, when the U.S. entered World War II, all men aged 18 to 45 were made subject to military service, and all men aged 18 to 65 were required to register. The US also gives Britain 50 WWI battleships in exchange for 8 British defense bases
FDR’s Four Freedom Speech Support Britain to Keep US out of war
Lend Lease 1941
Lend Lease Act 1941 Britain is out of money! So the US will “sell, transfer title to, exchange, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of, to any such government any defense article” By 1945 the US had sent more than 40 billion dollars of lend/lease aid to Allies including the Soviet Union, although the great majority of that (31.4 billion) went to Britain. This is basically an ECONOMIC DECLARATION OF WAR against the Axis powers.