Article II The Executive Branch
Section 1 Executive power shall be vested in a President of the U. S. 4 year term- no limit on number of terms until after F.D. Roosevelt served 4 terms- Amendment 22 made a 2 term limit Vice President serves 4 year term Main duty, to carry out the laws and uphold the Constitution
Electors Electoral college was system set up to elect the President and Vice-President People vote for electors, who then go to their state capital and vote for the President and Vice-President Each state has as many electors as it has members in Congress Electors are selected by state legislatures, can not hold a federal office
Election of President & V. Pres. Amendment 12 set the method President and Vice-President are placed on separate ballots Electors vote first for President and then hold a separate ballot for Vice-President. Person receiving a majority votes wins If no one receives majority for President, House of Representatives chooses (3), if no one receives a majority for Vice-President - Senate chooses (2).
Time and process of election Set by Congress for entire nation Tuesday after the first Monday of Nov. Electors cast their votes in December During the first week in January, the President of the Senate counts the votes in a joint session of Congress and declares the votes valid
Qualifications for President Natural born citizen of U. S. 35 years old lived in U.S. 14 years
Order of Succession Vice-President Speaker of House President pro tempore of Senate Secretary of State other members of President’s cabinet in order set out by Amendment 25
Replacement of Vice-President If office of Vice-President becomes vacant- President nominates a Vice-President and he must be approved by a majority vote of both houses.
Salary Salary cannot be changed during a President’s term President cannot accept a salary from any other job while he is President $400,000 per year, $100,000 expense account - also given money for travel and official entertaining - lifetime pension Vice-President - $208,100 per year, and $50,000 expense account
Oath of Office Must take an oath to support the Constitution and faithfully carry out the duties of the office. “I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Powers of President Commander in chief of the armed forces President may get advise from the department heads of the executive branch this has become known as the cabinet. Can grant reprieves, or delays in punishment or forgive crimes against the U.S. except for cases of impeachment.
Powers of President Can make treaties or agreements with other countries all treaties must be approved by 2/3rds of Senate Appoint members of cabinet, ambassadors, Supreme Court justices and other federal officials these also need the Senate’s approval
Filling temporary vacancies If a vacancy occurs in a federal position when the Senate is not in session, the President can grant appointments to temporarily fill the office. When the next Senate session ends, so does the temporary appointment.
Duties of the President Must report the nation’s condition to Congress - State of the Union speech Makes suggestions to Congress on laws. Call special sessions of Congress when needed by special circumstances Adjourns Congress in special situations Responsible for making sure all federal laws are carried out Signs papers giving federal officers the authority to act Welcomes ambassadors from foreign nations
Impeachment of Federal Officers President, Vice President, and other civil officials can be impeached by the House of Representatives Senate acts as the court to decide if the accused is guilty If found guilty, the official will be removed from office.