Laying the Foundation for Industry Agricultural Revolution Crop Rotation Transition to the City Cottage industries More people forced to seek work in cities
Laying the Foundation for Industry Agricultural Revolution Inventors and their Machines Jethro Tull: Seed drill Development of iron plow Andrew Meikle: Threshing machine Eli Whitney: Cotton gin Cyrus McCormick: Reaping machine John Fowler: Steam tractor
Laying the Foundation for Industry Industrial Revolution Transition to the Factory Inventors and their Machines James Watt: Improvements to steam engine John Kay: Flying shuttle James Hargreaves: Spinning jenny
Laying the Foundation for Industry Connections Between Industrial and Commercial Relations Entrepreneurs Patents Capital
Laying the Foundation for Industry Factors that Encouraged the Rise of Industry Growing population Abundant raw materials Stable government Patents Exportation of equipment
Expansion of Industry and Rise of Social Reform Growth of Cities Growth in population Growth in industry Fewer people needed in farming City infrastructure often inadequate
Expansion of Industry and Rise of Social Reform Effect on Society Short-term problems and challenges Long-term benefits to nearly everyone Class Distinctions People could move above or below the class into which they were born Views of poverty and ignorance Family Life
Expansion of Industry and Rise of Social Reform Movements for Social Reform Problems that Called for Reform Poor working conditions Housing conditions Pollution Growth of Unions
Expansion of Industry and Rise of Social Reform Movements for Social Reform England’s Struggle Government Reform 1833 Factory Act Mines Act Ten Hour Bill Religious Transformation John Wesley George Whitefield
Expansion of Industry and Rise of Social Reform Movements for Social Reform Struggle in Other European Countries
End of the Slave Trade Britain Quakers John and Charles Wesley John Newton William Wilberforce Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade 1833: Slavery ended in British Empire
End of the Slave Trade America Early opponents to slavery Importation banned on January 1, 1808 Cotton became profitable using slaves after invention of cotton gin William Lloyd Garrison Frederick Douglass
End of the Slave Trade France In the Muslim World Napoleon revived practice of slavery Haiti In the Muslim World Thriving during this period Still practiced in some nations today