Career & Education Exploration
Learning Outcomes By the end of this unit, you should be able to: Relate personal attributes (skills) and interests to education and career planning Compare a variety of post secondary education and training institutions and programs Relate labour market information to careers of interest (skills, required education, salary, etc.) Demonstrate an understanding of employability skills (communication, problem solving, team work) Demonstrate job-seeking skills (employment searches, resumes & cover letters, preparing for interviews) Demonstrate an awareness of the legal rights and responsibilities of employers and employees Analyze practices associated with work related risk reduction and injury prevention (safety training, hazard recognition, risk management, communication) Identify support networks and resources for pursuing education and career goals (family, school, community) Develop a personal education and career plan to support the achievement of education and career goals
Unit Shape Part 1 – Introduction to the Labour Market, Job Seeking (Cover Letters, Resumes, & Interviewing) Part 2 – Career Exploration & Educational Inquiry / Training Part 3 - Career Project & Presentation Part 4 – Employment Standards and Workplace Safety, Support Networks and Resources
Types of Work Definitions: Are you familiar with these terms? Telecommuting Part time work Job sharing Temporary work Contract/ freelance Self employment Seasonal Casual on call Flex-time Compressed work week
What Type of Jobs to Consider Right Now ? Five main areas where young people with little/ no experience can often find work: Hospitality Hotel worker, restaurant worker, tour guide, barista Office work Receptionist, clerk Labour Construction worker, warehouse worker, gardener/landscaper Retail Grocery cashier, clothing store, sports store Recreation Camp counsellor, special event worker, pool attendant, babysitter
What Does the Job Involve? To find out what a job is all about, you can do the following: Talk to someone who does the job (networking) Use the Labour Market Information (LMI) to find out: What a person in a certain job does The range of pay for the job The levels and kinds of education needed for different jobs What areas of the economy are expanding What companies are hiring in that area Use the National Occupational Classification (NOC)
Where can we find the Jobs? Networks Use friends, family members, neighbors and teachers Job postings At school, in newspapers, at job fairs Online Job Bank, Jobs Open to the Public,, Off line Bulletin boards, job fairs, employment agencies, volunteer organizations, school
Gathering My Information… (Building a Resume) Personal Information Legal name, current address, phone number, email address Education/ Employment/ Volunteer Work School, previous jobs with dates, previous volunteer work with dates Skills Technical skills, transferable skills Activities/ Interests Extra curricular activities, things you like that are related to a job
Selling My Employability Skills Definition: The fundamental, personal management and team work skills needed to be successful in a job What key Job Skills do you think you may already have Brainstorm as many employability skills as you can. Highlight the five most important skills you think a worker needs. Be prepared to share your answers with the class in five minutes
Developing Your Employability Skills There are several ways to develop your employability skills: Learn them in your classes Participate in community involvement and volunteer activities Participate in career preparation, work experience and co-op classes Learn by doing them at a part time or summer job
Key Employability Skills Fundamental Skills The Basics Skills Personal Management Skills Personal Skills, Attitudes and Behaviours Teamwork Skills The Working Together Skills Communication Managing Information Using Numbers Problem Solving Demonstrating Positive Attitudes and Behaviours Being Responsible Being Adaptable Learning Continuously Working Safely Working with Others Participating in Projects and Tasks