Jamie Ridgely Author Presentation SLM 503 Summer 2009 Nic Bishop Jamie Ridgely Author Presentation SLM 503 Summer 2009
Nic Bishop Author Presentation Objectives: Today we will learn who Nic Bishop is and understand the contributions has he made to children's literature.
Nic Bishop Author Presentation Background His family moved from England to Bangladesh when he was three. He took photos and videos to record the customs, music and folklore of the people he visited.
Nic Bishop Author Presentation New Zealand "I took a variety of jobs and then started a PhD," says Nic, "but spent almost every spare moment hiking and exploring alpine wilderness of New Zealand's Southern Alps. It was one long wonderful adventure, filled with awesome landscapes and occasional anxious moments with flooded rivers, ice avalanches and high winds."
Nic Bishop Author Presentation Why the switch from writing for adults to writing for children? Click to watch the video
Nic Bishop Author Presentation Awards Winning Books
Nic Bishop Author Presentation How do you get that perfect photograph? Click to watch the video
Nic Bishop Author Presentation List one new thing you learned about Nic Bishop.
Nic Bishop Author Presentation Sources "2008-09 Cybils Winner: Nic Bishop's Frogs ." Just One More Book. 2008. World Press. 30 Jun 2009 <http://www.justonemorebook.com/2009/02/18/2008-cybils-winner-nic-bishops-frogs/>. Author Interviews: Nic Bishop. 2009. Scholastic Inc. 24 Jun 2009 <http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/video.jsp?pID=1640183585&bcpid=1640183585&bclid=14720632001&bctid=14847603001>. Bishop, Nic. "Nic Bishop Children's Books." 24 Jun 2009 <http://www.nicbishop.com/index.html>. Margolis, Rick. "Web Master: Interview with Nic Bishop." School Library Journal. 2007. SLJ. 30 Jun 2009 <http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/article/CA6505697.html>. "Meet Nic Bishop." Houghton Mifflin Reading. Houghton Mifflin . 30 Jun 2009 <http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmr/mtai/bishop.html>. "Teachers: Biography of Nic Bishop." Scholastic. 2009. Scholastic Inc. 24 Jun 2009 http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/contributor.jsp?id=1574 "Teaching Organization Using Red-Eyed Tree Frog." Sample Lesson Plans. 2009. Scholastic Inc. 30 Jun 2009 <http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=3750252>. Coming this summer!