The Scientific Method
Overview Scientific way of solving problems. Used in everyday life. (socks example) Some say it has 4, 5, or 6 parts. We’ll say 4.
Step 1: Problem/Question Observe a problem, ask a scientific question. Scientific question: something that can be solved using an experiment or test. Example: Does a plant grow faster if it is exposed to more light? Can we solve this using an experiment or test?
Step 2a: Create a hypothesis Hypothesis: an educated guess that contains the words: if and then. Example: If I expose a plant to more sunlight then it will grow faster than a plant that isn’t exposed to as much sunlight.
Step 2b: Design an experiment (Not one of the basic four) Design an experiment to test your hypothesis Make sure your experiment will give results that will either reject or confirm your hypothesis, otherwise what’s the point? Make sure to include and independent (experimental) variable, a dependent variable, and a control in your experimental design (more on these in a second)
Step 3: Test your hypothesis Design an experiment that tests your hypothesis. Experiment must include: Independent (experimental) variable (the one that the scientist changes) Dependent variable (the thing that changes because the scientist changed the I.V.) Control (makes sure that changing the I.V. actually does something)
Step 3: Test your Hypothesis (continued) Independent (Experimental) Variable: the variable that the scientist (you) changes. Example: how much or little sunlight the plant gets. Important: we can only have one independent variable during each experiment!
Step 3 continued…. Dependent variable: the variable that changes because of the independent variable. Example: how much the plant grows.
Step 3 continued…… Control: one normal (untested) subject so we can compare our results at the end of the experiment. Example: a plant exposed to the normal amount of sunlight so we can see how much it normally grows. Important: we need at least one control for each experiment!
Step 4: Conclusion Look at your results and decide if your hypothesis was right or wrong. Show others your results through graphs or writing (Communicate your results). This may lead you to another question and experiment