Advances in Genetics
Selective Breeding Breeding parents with a desired trait to produce offspring with that trait.
Selective Breeding Inbreeding Crossing of two individuals that have identical or similar sets of alleles
Selective Breeding Hybridization Crossing of two genetically different individuals. Goal is to have offspring inherit the best traits from each parent. Mule Donkey Horse Mule
Cloning Organism that is genetically identical to the organism from which it was produced.
Cloning Plants Cut a small part of the plant off (leaf, stem). The cut piece can grow into an entire new plant that is genetically identical to the plant it was cut from.
Cloning Animal Egg is removed from organisms. Nucleus of egg is removed and replaced with nucleus of older organism. New egg is implanted into the uterus of a third organism to develop. Ex: Dolly the sheep
Genetic Engineering Genes from one organism are transferred into the DNA of another organism. ****Agriculture and Medicine
Genetic Engineering Bacteria Insert a piece of human DNA into a bacteria’s plasmid (circular DNA). Can be used to produce large amounts of hormones or insulin to treat diabetes.
Genetic Engineering Crops Can insert genes for specific traits into crops. Can enable plants to survive colder conditions or resist insects. Gene found in cows, it is produced in their milk.
Genetic Engineering Animals Insert genes into animals which produce important medicines for humans. Ex: Gene for blood clotting protein to treat hemophilia.
Gene Therapy Experimental method for treating genetic disorders. Involves inserting working copies of a gene directly into the cells of a person with a genetic disorder
DNA Fingerprinting Persons DNA pattern can be compared to DNA found at a crime scene. Used like a fingerprint to identify someone.
Human Genome Project Goal is to identify the DNA sequence of every gene in the human genome (all the DNA in one cell)
Genetic Counseling Counselors analyze karyotypes, pedigrees and punnett squares to predict the probability of a couples offspring inheriting a genetic disease.