Growing Pains How tall are you? Did your doctor measure you the last time you visited? There are different types of measurements. When we measure how tall something is we are measuring its height! You have been measuring your plants daily. Can you estimate how many paper clips would equal the height of your plant?
Task You are no longer students but gardeners. As a gardener you must find out information on the plants that you are growing. What is the plant? In what conditions does it grow best? What is your plant used for? Your job is to present your plant to the class using the information you found that answers some of these questions. You will be introducing this information on your plant to your classmates along with a bar graph that tracks your plants growth you’ve recorded over the past two weeks.
Procedure Get personal! Give your plant a name Use the internet to research some information about your plant What is the plant? In what conditions does it grow best? How can you classify your plant? How is it unique and what is it used for? Write a biography about your plant… BE CREATIVE! When was it born? Where did it come from? And then add in the information you gained from your research Next refer back to your math journals and create a bar graph that shows the growth of your plant or the “timeline of your plants life” Begin your bar graph by: Labeling your x and y axis Mark each growth you’ve recorded Title your graph “Timeline of [plants name]’s Life” Present your plant, its biography and life timeline to the class
Rubric 3 2 1 Plant Biography Student answered all 4 questions. Story is well researched and creative. Student answered 3 out of the 4 questions. Story is creative. Student answered 2 or 1 of the questions. Plant Timeline Student has all components on their graph. measurements are accurate. Student has some of the components on their graph. Measurements are mostly accurate. Student doesn't have any of the required components on their graph. Measurements aren’t accurate. Presentation Student speaks clear and articulates reading Student speaks mostly clear and articulates most of the reading Student does not speak clear and does not articulate reading
Resources All about plants! Glossopedia Plant information PBS kids Funbrain- measurement Graphing
Conclusion: Congratulations! You have finished your plant biography. Now you can share your plants story with the rest of your classmates.