Biology Chapter 11 Test Review Place the following notes into your Biology Notebook
The chemical factors that determine traits are called genes.
Gregor Mendel used pea plants to study the inheritance of traits Gregor Mendel used pea plants to study the inheritance of traits. When Gregor Mendel crossed true-breeding round seeded plants with true-breeding wrinkled plants, all the offspring were round seeded because the allele for round seeded plants is dominant.
A Round seeded plant is crossed with a wrinkled seeded plant A Round seeded plant is crossed with a wrinkled seeded plant. If the round seeded F1 pea plants are allowed to self-pollinate, some of the offspring will be Round, and some will be wrinkled.
When you flip a coin, what is the probability that it will come up tails? 1/2
The farther apart two genes are located on a chromosome, the less likely they are to be inherited together.
If two genes are on the same chromosome and rarely assort independently, the genes are probably located close to each other.
Gene maps are based on the frequencies of crossing-over between genes.
Linked genes are on the same chromosome.
Chromosomes tend to assort independently from each other Chromosomes tend to assort independently from each other. Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in the formation of four genetically different cells.
Why did Thomas Hunt Morgan use fruit flies in his studies Why did Thomas Hunt Morgan use fruit flies in his studies? Fruit flies produce a large number of offspring.
The number of chromosomes in a gamete is represented by the symbol (N) A heterozygous tall pea plant is crossed with a short plant. The probability that an F1 plant will be tall is 50%.
Organisms that have two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to be homozygous. Organisms that have two different alleles for a particular trait are said to be heterozygous. What principle states that during gamete formation genes for different traits separate without influencing each other’s inheritance. Principle of Independent Assortment. Incomplete dominance is a situation in which one allele for a gene is not completely dominant over another allele for that gene.
Gregor Mendel’s principles of genetics apply to all organisms Gregor Mendel’s principles of genetics apply to all organisms. If an organism’s diploid number is 12, its haploid number is 6. Gametes have one allele for each gene.
Gametes are produced by the process of meiosis.
Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in the formation of haploid cells Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in the formation of haploid cells. Chromosomes form tetrads during prophase I of meiosis.
What fails to occur between meiosis I and meiosis II that reduces the number of chromosomes? Replication