8.3 Interest Groups
Special Interest Group Goal or set of goals Influence government NRA Wilderness Society
Good or Bad? Trust???? Threat???? Madison’s thoughts = pluralism Interest groups keep government from gaining too much power
Today…. Interest Groups allow citizens to participate in the political process Have area of concern Speak to government
American Interest Groups Thousands Goal: persuade officials to take action and support
Economic Groups Business Trade Professional Labor
Citizens Groups Sierra Club ACLU SADD
Government Groups NEA National Governors Assoc.
Other Foreign Policy VFW Religious
Why Join? Info Benefits Workshop training AAA WWF AARP
Funding Need $$$ & People Dues Government grants
PAC Political Action Committee $$ to political parties and candidates Private groups sponsored by corporations, unions…etc…
PAC Collect donations for political campaigns 2012 = $560 million Top contributors = Corporations
?????? Is it too much?? Are they “buying” the candidate? No…but it does give greater access to lawmakers
????? How do interest groups influence policy? Lobbying Research Litigation Grassroots mobilization
Lobbying Influence policy by persuading public officials to favor or oppose action on a specific issue.
Research Groups of policy experts and scholars study the issues and influence officials
litigation Bringing of lawsuits to influence policy
Grassroots mobilization Public demonstrations Social media rallies
Power Size Money Leadership Purpose Information Advantage = groups with money
8.4 Making Public Policy Public Policy = government actions or programs designed to achieve certain goals
Steps 1. Identify issues and problems 2. Agenda setting 3. Policy Formulation 4. Policy Adoption 5. Implementation 6. Evaluation Page 146-147
Check 8.3 & 8.4 What type of interest groups are there? How do they get their information to the government? What are the steps of policy making?
Policy Project Group Policy Project