Infectious and Noninfectious Diseases, Human Growth, STIs, HIV/AIDS Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009
Child Birth/ Pregnancy STIs Diseases Anatomy Contraceptives 10 20 30 40 50
10 points During childbirth, this is where the baby passes out of the mother’s body.
What is the vagina? You need to know the process of childbirth. Labor, Delivery of Baby, Delivery of Afterbirth Which of the women’s anatomy are part of the birthing process? (pg.499)
20 points In the _______________, a fertilized egg can develop and grow into a baby.
What is the uterus? You need to know the process of childbirth. Labor, Delivery of Baby, Delivery of Afterbirth Which of the women’s anatomy are part of the birthing process? (pg.499)
30 points Teens are still growing, pregnant teens are less likely to seek early prenatal care, and many pregnant teens have an inadequate diet are all reasons why teens are more likely to experience _______________ in pregnany.
What is complications? What are the risks for teen pregnancy? How can you help ensure a healthy pregnancy? (pg 492-496)
40 points X-rays, Lead, Mercury, and Cat Litter are all __________________ hazards to avoid during pregnancy.
What is environmental hazards? Know the environmental hazards that should be avoided during pregnancy and why. (pg 494) Know important nutrients that your should get during pregnancy. (pg 493)
50 points From the third month until birth, a developing human is called this…
What is a fetus? Understand the beginning life cycle. (pg 488-489). Understand the development in the uterus. (pg 490-491)
10 points This is the only way to eliminate your risk of STIs.
What is abstain, or refrain from, sexual activity? Know that abstinence is the best choice for preventing STIs and the only choice for preventing pregnancy.
20 points This is one way a person can become infected with an STI…
What is having sexual intercourse, having oral sex, or injecting drugs? Know ways that STIs are passed from one person to another.
30 points This is when people should seek treament for STIs…
What is as soon as they suspect they’ve been infected? Understand the importance of getting tested for STIs. Understand that not all STIs show symptoms. Understand that abstinence is the best choice in preventing STIs. Understand the importance of getting tested after every high risk sexual experience.
40 points HIV/AIDS can be transmitted through the transfer of this (name at least 4 ways)…
What is sexual contact, shared needles, contact with blood, mother to baby (pregnancy, birth, breast feeding) Know ways that HIV can be transmitted.
50 points This is the first stage of HIV infection.
What is asymptomatic stage? Know the stages of HIV (Asymptomatic, symptomatic, and AIDS) and how each stage progresses. (pg 585)
10 points A combination of your genes, environment, and behavior affect your __________ for most diseases.
What is risk? Understand the factors that increase your risk for diseases, such as your genetics, environment, and behavior.
20 points These cause infectious diseases.
What are pathogens? Understand what pathogens are and their role in infectious diseases.
30 points The main food in which __________ bacteria live are poultry, eggs, and meat.
What is Salmonella? Understand how pathogens are spread (pg 550-551) and what is involved in the contamination of food, soil, or water (pg 551).
40 points Drinking contaminated water, indirect contact with an infected person, and sharing a needle to inject drugs are all ways ____________ diseases are spread.
What is infectious diseases? Know how infectious diseases are spread. (pg 550-551). Understand the causes of infectious diseases (pg.548-549).
50 points Antibiotics are usually prescribed for diseases caused by this….
What is a bacteria? Know the difference between a bacteria and virus (pg.548-549). Know about other pathogens such as fungi, protozoans, animals/insects, and infected meat (pg 549).
10 points This part of the female reproductive system produces sex hormones and contains eggs.
What are the ovaries? Understand the structure and functions of the female reproductive system, especially the role of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina (packet and pgs 469-470)
20 points The mixture of sperm cells and other fluid is called this…
What is semen? Understand how sperm is produced (pg 465) Understand the pathway of sperm (pg 466). Understand the release of sperm (pg 466)
30 points Nervous tension, mood swings, headaches, bloating, and irritability are sign of this…
What is premenstrual syndrome (PMS)? Understand the menstrual cycle about menstrual discomfort, and Toxic Shock Syndrome (pg 471-473)
40 points ____________ in girls is a sign of reproductive maturity.
What is ovulation? Know that the reproductive cells in females are called ova and ovulation is the release of the mature eggs from the ovaries. (pg 469)
50 points The inner lining of this is shed during menstruation.
What is the uterus? Know the stages of the menstrual cycle and that the uterine lining is shed during menstruation. (pg 472)
10 points This is the most effective barrier method of birth control?
What is the male condom? Know the difference between barrier and hormonal methods of birth control. Know the effectiveness rates of the most common types of contraceptives.
20 points Birth Control Pills, Depo Shot, and the Patch are all examples of this type of birth control.
What is hormonal birth control? Know the difference between hormonal and barrier methods of birth control.
30 points These type of birth control provides limited protection in STIs. (2 types)
What are the male and female condom? Both the male and female condom provide limited protection against STIs. However, the best method is abstinence.
40 points The male and female condom and are both this method of birth control.
What is barrier method? Know the difference between barrier and hormonal methods of birth control.
50 points This percentage is lower than the typical use percentage.
What is the perfect use? Know the difference between the perfect use and typical use percentage. The perfect use method is lower for pregnancy, however, you should look at the typical use because most people (specifically teens) don’t always use contraceptive perfectly.
FINAL JEOPARDY The tiny structures found within cells that carry information about the characteristics you will inherit are called this… Chromosomes