20 minutes Check Grades: complete any missing assignments Check Binder: organize (see Ms. G’s class binder for help) Other Classes: work on assignments from different classes Expectations: Working on task Whisper Be Productive
National Priorities Project Budget – the plan you make on how to spend your money Debt – the money you spend that don’t have Follow the Money National Priorities Project
Mandatory – money that is already promised. Example: social security – people have already given the gov’t money to keep for them. When you are old and not working, this gives you a way to live. Discretionary – we can choose where to spend https://www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/spending/
What are the top 3 sources of revenue for the US income? Money Revenue – money coming in, earnings Expenditures – money being spent https://www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/revenues/ What are the top 3 sources of revenue for the US income?
Individual taxes Corporate taxes compared to When did the percentage (%) of taxes paid by the two groups become very different? What world event was happening when they were the same? What world event was happening when they became very different?
2015 Total Spending 33% Social security, unemployment, disability 27% Medicare and health 16% Military + 4% Veterans (Veterans = people who used to be in the military) Which of these are mandatory? Which of these are discretionary?
$$$ Already Promised: Most of the Social Security Most of the Medicare & Health About ½ of what we actually spend on Veterans
Choices! $599 billion + 65 billion $664 billion Discretionary Top choice – 60% Military 54% Plus Veterans 6% $599 billion + 65 billion $664 billion Discretionary + 95 billion Mandatory $ 759 billion military
World Military Budgets The USA spends more than the next _______ highest spenders combined on the military. Name 3 countries who spend the most money on their military besides the US/
2018? What’s changed?