Outer Solar System (Jovian Planets) Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
Jupiter Jupiter Year = 12 Earth Years Jupiter Day = 9 hours and 55 minutes
Surface of Jupiter Atmosphere 75% Hydrogen 24 % Helium 1% Other Gases Temperature = -162 degrees Fahrenheit at cloud tops 305 degrees Fahrenheit 120 mi. below clouds
Composition Liquid Metallic Hydrogen & Helium Liquid Methane, Ammonia, & Water Heavy Element Core Water on Jupiter? = Yes (Liquid & Gas)
Distance From Sun = 5.203 AU Earth Mass = 317.83 Diameter = 11.209 Tilt = 3.12
Saturn Saturn Year = 29.37 Earth Years Saturn Day = 10.5 Earth Hours http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap980118.html
Surface of Saturn Atmosphere 96% Hydrogen 3 % Helium 1% Other Gases Temperature = -292 degrees Fahrenheit at cloud tops http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap970531.html
Liquid Metallic Hydrogen & Helium Liquid Methane, Ammonia, & Water Composition Liquid Metallic Hydrogen & Helium Liquid Methane, Ammonia, & Water Heavy Element Core Water on Saturn? = Yes (Liquid & Gas) http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap950730.html
Distance From Sun = 9.554 AU Earth Mass = 95.16 Diameter = 9.449 Tilt = 26.73
Uranus Uranus Year = 83.75 Earth Years Uranus Day = 17.24 Earth Hours http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap010826.html
Surface of Uranus Atmosphere 84% Hydrogen 14% Helium 2% Methane Temperature = -360 degrees Fahrenheit at cloud tops http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap990531.html
Liquid Molecular Hydrogen & Helium Highly Compressed Water Composition Liquid Molecular Hydrogen & Helium Highly Compressed Water Heavy Element Core Water on Uranus? = Yes (Liquid) http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap971126.html
Distance From Sun = 19.22 AU Earth Mass = 14.5 Diameter = 4.007 Tilt = 97.86
Neptune Neptune Year = 163.73 Earth Years Neptune Day = 16.11 Earth Hours http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/neptune_vg2.gif
Surface of Neptune Atmosphere 84% Hydrogen 14% Helium 2% Methane Temperature = -360 degrees Fahrenheit at cloud tops http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap991005.html
Composition Liquid Molecular Hydrogen & Helium Highly Compressed Water Heavy Element Core Water on Neptune? = Yes (Liquid)
Distance From Sun = 30.11 AU Earth Mass = 17.204 Diameter = 3.883 Tilt = 29.56
Historical Planets Pluto
Pluto Pluto Year = 248 Earth Years Pluto Day = 6.39 Earth Days http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap990213.html
Surface of Pluto Atmosphere = Very Thin Nitrogen Carbon Monoxide Temperature = -387 degrees Fahrenheit
Composition Frozen Ices of Methane, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Water, & Heavy Element Rocks Water on Pluto? Yes (Solid)
Two New Moons of Pluto?
Distance From Sun = 39.54 AU Earth Mass = .002 Diameter = .18 Tilt = 118
Xena & Gabrielle 1.5 times as big as Pluto 10th Planet???