The Amendments Unit 3
The Bill of Rights 1st Amendment – freedom of religion, speech, assembly, press, and petition. 2nd Amendment – right to bear arms 3rd Amendment – restrict the quartering of troops 4th Amendment – unreasonable searches and seizures 5th Amendment – life, liberty, property. Due process of law, double jeopardy, self-incrimination, and government seizure of property 6th Amendment – speedy, public, and jury trial – Criminal Cases 7th Amendment – jury trial in Civil Cases 8th Amendment – cruel and unusual punishment 9th Amendment – all rights not spelled out are “retained by the people” – your basic or natural rights 10th Amendment – powers not given to the nation or the states, belong to the people.
Fall in the “Bill of Rights” group 11th Amendment – federal courts can’t force states to be sued without the state’s consent. 12th Amendment – election of VP and president separately in electoral college.
Civil War Amendments 13th Amendment – abolished slavery 14th Amendment – citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the US. Also prevented states from taking people’s rights away. 15th Amendment – everyone has the right to vote (esp. African Americans)
Later Amendments 16th Amendment – income tax 17th Amendment – the people instead of the state elects senators 18th Amendment – prohibition 19th Amendment – (1920) – gave women the right to vote. 20th Amendment – set election and inauguration times closer to one another 21st Amendment – repealed prohibition 22nd Amendment – 2 term limit on presidents (FDR) 23rd Amendment – gave district of Columbia the right to vote (3 electors) 24th Amendment – (1964) prohibits poll taxes 25th Amendment – Presidential succession 26th Amendment – lowered voting age to 18 27th Amendment – congress could only increase its pay for the next term.