Politics Who’s on Which Side?
Colonial Politics 1607-1789 Restoration Colonies vs. Charter Colonies Mayflower Compact House of Burgess- colonial self governance Salutary Neglect vs. All those acts that made us Mad Albany Plan Loyalists v Revolutionaries Washington Articles of Confederation Federalists Vs. Anti Federalists Federalism
Early American Politics 1789-1824 Democratic Republican Jefferson Republican Madison Monroe Federalist Hamilton John Adams National Republican John Q Adams What do they disagree about? What is the era of good feeling?
Jacksonian Democracy1828-1848 Democrats v. Whigs Popular vote, popular sovereignty EXPANSION of everything Slavery War with Mexico Power of the Executive National Bank/American System
Antebellum1857-1865 Republican LINCOLN Stresses Leading to War Slavery States rights Land- Inc war with Mexico Money Sectionalism Presidents- Democrats vs. Whigs Van Buren/Tyler Polk Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan (don’t stress about these guys) Republican LINCOLN
Reconstruction/ Gilded Age 1865-1901 Radical vs. Moderate reconstruction Johnson and Grant Amendments 13,14,15 Election of 1877 Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, (Republicans) Cleveland (Dem), Harrison(R)- all kind of weak- Million Dollar Congress McKinley (R) foreign policy
Progressive Era 1868-1917 Teddy Roosevelt (R) and then Bull Moose Taft (R) and Wilson (D) Populist Party Econ- Silver, income tax (16th) Agriculture- Grange Labor rights William J. Bryan Progressive party Anti Trust- business regulation Conservation Low tariffs Direct Democracy- Direct Election of Senators (17th) Pragmatism LaFollette
Depression and WWII 1921-1955 Harding- Don’t care. He died Coolidge (R) Kellogg- Briand Act Hoover- (R) Hoovervilles- rugged individualism FDR (D) New Deal, Overall role of Government, War Truman (D) Fair Deal, Korea, Bomb
Cold War Eisenhower (R)- return to normalcy, instant suburbia, I like Ike! Kennedy (D)- Election!, impact of TV, assassination Johnson-(D) Great Society, Vietnam, Civil Rights Nixon (R) Law and Order, return to old values, Corruption
Modern Presidents Carter Reagan Bush Sr. Clinton Bush II electric boogaloo Obama