US Presidents 11-20.


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Presentation transcript:

US Presidents 11-20

James K. Polk 1845-1849 First “dark horse” President Remembered for: Texas and Oregon Annexation California Settlement War with Mexico Considered to be the last strong President until the Civil War

Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 Very important general in the Mexican-American War and the War of 1812 He is remembered for: Being a Nationalist Rough and Ready An Early Civil War? He died July 9, 1850

Millard Fillmore 1850-1853 Took office in Taylor’s absence Remembered for: Admitting California as a free state Settling the boundary of Texas Making New Mexico a Territory Abolishing the Slave Trade in DC

Franklin Pierce 1853-1857 Unlikely President Remembered for: Kansas-Nebraska Act Repealed the Missouri Compromise Pro-Railroad Purchasing Arizona and New Mexico Made a move toward Cuba Democratic Party Refused to reelect him

James Buchanan 1857-1861 The only POTUS elected from Pennsylvania Never Married His Niece served as FLOTUS Remembered for: Dred Scott Decision Kansas Slave State/Territory Federal Stalemate

Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865 Honest Abe Built a strong Republican Party Remembered for: Emancipation Proclamation Civil War Assassinated in Ford’s Theatre

Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 Became President through the assassination of Lincoln. Remembered for: Reconstructing the Southern States “Black Codes” Amendment 14 President Andrew Johnson would be the first President to be impeached

Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877 The Puzzled President He was often caught in scandals or taking gifts. Remembered for: The Gold Scandal Radical Reconstruction He left the White House a poor man Wrote a memoir that would support his family after he died of throat cancer.

Rutherford B Hayes 1877-1881 One and Done President Remembered for: Finishing Reconstruction Removed Martial Law from the South Pledged to protect the rights of Negros

James Garfield 1881 Garfield would fight for the Presidency 200 days in would be assassinated.