Parent and Community Engagement National and State Perspectives and Tools Ann Maguire RCC October 23, 2013
Accountability and Parent Engagement Increased Title I set aside requirements to dedicate funds to parent engagement “The primary objective of this additional set-aside is to enable greater and more meaningful parent participation in the education of their children. “ NYSED, 10/17/2012 Research linking academic achievement and schools strategies for engaging families and communities spurred the inclusion of language regarding parent involvement in federal and state regulations, including NCLB.
Allowable Activities Based on National PTA standards
Accountability and Parent Engagement Focus and local assistance plan districts required to survey parents, involve parents in school review process Research linking academic achievement and schools strategies for engaging families and communities spurred the inclusion of language regarding parent involvement in federal and state regulations, including NCLB.
DTSDE Tenet 6 Family and Community Engagement Focus on choices school staff make. “The school creates a culture of partnership where families, community members and school staff work together to share the responsibility for student academic progress and social-emotional well being.”
DTSDE Tenet 6 Big Ideas Communication is planned, implemented and assessed. Reciprocal communication exists regarding students’ strengths and needs. Training for all stakeholders to promote effective partnerships to support academic and social-emotional progress. The sharing of data with families promotes dialogue among all stakeholders.
Leverage points for school staff How relationships with families are built and maintained Multiple means for communication regarding student learning Addressing differences Supporting advocacy Sharing power (Teacher contact with families, friendly office staff, community agencies are linked with families (work folders going home, frequent curriculum nights) (Translation available, PTA includes families from all groups) (How are conflicts resolved?) (How is PTA agenda developed?)
Assessing and planning more robust parent engagement practices Survey parents Conduct internal assessment Explore national and state resources