Therapeutic –vs- Reproductive Cloning


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Presentation transcript:

Therapeutic –vs- Reproductive Cloning Scientific Realities, Public Controversy

The goal of reproductive cloning is to create a new organism, human or animal. The goal of therapeutic cloning is not to produce a new human being, which scientist say is unsafe under present conditions. But to create embryonic stem cells that are genetically compatible with that of the recipient.

Embryonic stem cells also can be isolated from embryos produced by the union of egg and sperm (zygote) These stem cells will be genetically unique. With advances therapeutic cloning is presently being considered called “nuclear transplantation” This captures the concept that the cell nucleus and genetic amterial are being moved from one cell to another.

Human Stem Cell Research Ethical issue in use of human stem cells in research is it involves the use of human embryonic tissue (fertilized egg/zygote) There is presently federal funds for human stem cell research extent permitted by law. There is human stem cell research with private funds or funding from state governments.

Therapeutic –vs- Reproductive Cloning Adult stem cell limitations Stem cells have not been isolated for all tissues of the body Ex: heart & the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas They are difficult to isolate and purify

Minimize Rejection Isolation of patient’s own stem cells & grow them in culture Downside is that at present moment this takes time and there may not be enough time to grow them and use for treatment Stem cells can have genetic defects in the DNA caused by environmental toxins & exposures

Stem cells from adults may not have the ability to reproduce in culture as younger cells do Adult stem cells are different from embryonic stem cells due to not having the same characteristics or not as pure for the early stages of cell development

The Therapeutic Potential of Stem Cells Therapeutic cloning uses unfertilized egg with its nucleus removed and fuses it with the genetic material from an adult’s body. This technique does have the potential to become a living “thing”, if transplanted into the uterus of a female.

What is the debate about stem cell research? Is a life destroyed if you remove the stem cells from the blastocyst stage during development

Issues to be considered if eggs are donated for human stem cell Should the women be paid for their egg? Should the women be paid royalties if their egg helps produce an embryonic stem cell line? Should the infertility clinic be able to sell the unused fertilized eggs to biotechnology company

What is the appropriate way to handle the unneeded fertilized eggs? Should the couples have a right to patent their eggs and sell the eggs instead if not used? Should their use in any ways be considered illegal?

Ethical questions What safeguards are in place to prevent an embryo produced from being implanted and developing into a fetus? Should there be restrictions on reproductive cloning? Do YOU believe human reproductive cloning should be permitted? Does the USA Congress have an obligation to criminalize any stem cell research that involves creating embryos?

Embryos produced…..should they be considered a person in the legal, moral and social sense? Simply do YOU think the embryo has rights?