6-10 Page Argumentative Research Paper


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Presentation transcript:

6-10 Page Argumentative Research Paper RESEARCH PROCESS 6-10 Page Argumentative Research Paper

*UNDERSTAND EXPECTATIONS Stay focused and review examples CLOSELY! Keep on track! Follow the calendar! Know that there is help available Me English Resource – 113 open ALL DAY WT English Resource – ask for a pass

Brainstorm Topics Choose a topic that will interest you Choose a topic you have some passion about Choose a topic that is interesting, debatable, and focused (6 pages is not that long, so it will need to be narrow).

Begin Research Find sources that seem CREDIBLE and helpful Always check for source credibility/reliability Use Willowbrook Databases FIRST ALWAYS write down the source information once you know you will be using the source (SOURCE CARDS) Figure out some key words What will you search? What will your main arguments be?

Take Notes (Note Cards) In order to avoid accidental plagiarism, follow these steps when taking notes: Read the source Look AWAY and think about the information Write down notes IN YOUR OWN WORDS that will help you remember the information If you know you would like to use the information as a quote, write down the information word for word and put it IN quotation marks

Formulate a Thesis What will you be claiming exactly? Remember, thesis statements should be interesting, debatable, and focused. See your packet for more information Formulate after you have read sources from both sides ALSO – decide on some main arguments that will support your thesis. This will help keep your research focused.

Keep taking notes and finding sources!! – more source and note cards This is a process – you will want to make sure you have plenty of information to draw from. Most of your paper will be YOUR OWN WORDS, supported by research. Remember, good arguments have strong ethos and logos. Research will help provide your information (logos) and make you appear credible (ethos).

Outline Once you think you have enough, begin to organize your main arguments that will support your thesis. Organize the research that will help support those main arguments.

Create Works Cited Page Use Noodle Tools to Create Your Works Cited Only include sources you cite in your paper – not everything you looked at

Revise Thesis Look at your original claim and work on the structure of the sentence and make it even more focused than before.

Drafts You will need to write at least two rough drafts of your paper and one final draft, but I always encourage more. The more you revise, the better the paper will be! Follow MLA Formatting Guidelines

CITE all information properly We will spend a lot of time making sure you know how to properly cite your researched information. You cannot pass this paper without citing and providing a works cited page. That is the PURPOSE of this project. Cite Direct Quotes Cite Summaries Cite Short Paraphrased Information

Getting Ready - PRACTICE Practicing Elements of the Research Paper GUN CONTROL SYNTHESIS – See Topic Source Cards Works Cited Note Cards Thesis Outline Paper (2-3 pages written in class)