what on earth do i need to do ??? A Guide to Surviving and Succeeding in Mr. Lefert’s Science Class!
What do You mean by a WarmUp? A WarmUp is completed every day WarmUp Journal pages need to be dated The entire question and answer must be written out. WarmUp Journal should remain in your Science Binder and brought to class every day!
Location, Location, Location! Student Center- Pencil sharpener, stapler, hole puncher, hand sanitizer, Parking Lot, tissues, Lost and Found Entrance & Exit Doors Recycling Bins Trash Cans Clock Student Computers Book Nook
What If I’m Absent One Day??? Ask a classmate Check with Mr. Lefert Check my website
Where and How Do I Turn In My Homework? Form 1 pile of papers (per group) NEATLY! Put the HW in the correct tray for the class period you are in Homework must be turned in immediately when I ask for it to be collected, or it will be considered late
Am I Allowed To Leave the Room…? … to go to the clinic? …to go to my locker? …to go to the restroom? … to get a drink of water?
What Are Mr. Lefert’s Biggest Gripes? Gum Chomping No Bubbles! Running out when the bell rings, I dismiss you, NOT the bell! Interrupting either myself or your classmates, wait your turn! Making fun of others Not paying attention and/or following directions LISTEN CAREFULLY! Wait for all instructions before asking questions NO THROWING or RUNNING!!!
What Are Mr. Lefert’s Biggest No-No Words? Shut up Crap Stupid Retarded Gay Damn
What if I join The Dark Side of The Force and break the rules? You get a Warning. You get a “Blue Slip” You get a Possible Call Home 3 Blue Slips = Detention Losing Privileges
1up at a Time Rule
Materials! 5 Dividers 1 inch binder Paper Pencils 1 – WarmUps (Optional) 2 -- VoNo 3 – CW/HW 4 – Keepers 1 inch binder Paper Pencils EXTRA – Color pencils, erasers, glue, graph paper,
How Do I Contact Mr. Lefert? LefertH@fultonschools.org Check out my website: http://LefertH.weebly.com Or go to the RTMS website and find the link under Faculty/Staff Online Text: http://my.hrw.com User: LEFERT Pass: AWESOME
Signature Page! Please sign on the line below to indicate that you have read and reviewed this information. Now put these notes in the “KEEPER” section of your Binder. Print Name:______________________ Sign:______________________________ Date: ___________________