Principles of Learning Disability Support Working in partnership with Somerset County Council Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Principles of Learning Disability Support By the end of this session we will have: Investigated the need to promote person centred values and work in a person centred way Looked at supporting and respecting diversity and different cultures and values Explored the importance of finding out about the individuals you support Looked at some issues around confidentiality Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Person Centred Values: Individuality Rights Choice Privacy Independence Dignity Respect Partnership Equal Opportunities Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Choice Choice means having access to a wide range of options, deciding for yourself which ones suit you best and having your choice respected Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Privacy We respect service users’ privacy by ensuring that everyone is treated at all times and in all ways in a manner which safeguards their dignity and does not expose them to any situations which might embarrass them or cause them personal or emotional discomfort Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Respect: Respect means that we behave towards every person with the consideration they deserve Value their opinions views and achievements Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Dignity Recognising and valuing people with learning disabilities as equal human beings, with the same rights as every other citizen Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Equal Opportunity Recognising that all people: Are of equal value Share the same rights Are provided with similar chances Are treated fairly Are given equal status regardless of disability or other difference Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Equality Equality: ‘Parity or Sameness’ Discuss the above definition Think of a situation that shows or explains equality Think of a situation that shows inequality Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Empowerment Empowerment means a shift in the balance of power so that people with Learning Disabilities can make their own decisions and take control of their own lives Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Diversity: Ethnicity Religious belief Gender Disability Other defining factors Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Discriminatory Practice: Ignoring diversity and the needs of people who are different Speaking in a way that does not value people who are different Avoiding people Negative body language Excluding people who are different Making assumptions, labelling/stereotyping Criticising or verbally abusing people who are different Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Person Centred Approach Starting with the individual: Taking account of their wishes and aspirations Reflecting the needs and preferences in areas such as housing, education, employment and leisure Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Confidentiality Respecting the privacy of individuals by taking responsible care of information gained during professional activity, and in the absence of special circumstances, divulging it only with permission Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Confidentiality ‘Need to Know’ Basis Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Confidentiality Breaches are only justified where there is evidence that someone may be in danger, (e.g, of abuse) if the information is not passed on. Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council
Principles All data must be: Processed fairly and lawfully Obtained and used only for specified and lawful purposes Adequate relevant and not excessive Accurate and where necessary kept up to date Kept for no longer than necessary Processed in accordance with the individual’s rights Kept secure Somerset You can Do Services working in partnership with Somerset County Council