Acids, Bases, & Chemical Reactions Page 34
Definitions – Copy InTO INB Acid – a compound that adds a hydrogen ion (H+1) into water when it dissolves. Acids typically have a bitter taste, like citrus fruit Base – a compound that removes a hydrogen ion (H+1) from the water when it dissolves. Bases typically have a slippery feel, like bleach
Why is this important? You have acids in your stomach that help you to dissolve the food that you eat. You also eat many different acids and bases each day, as well as use them to clean your house.
How are they measured - Copy We measure how many H+1 ions exist in a solution to find out if it is an acid or a base. The ions are measured on the pH scale. 0-6: acidic 7 neutral 8-14: basic
pH in your body Just a small change in pH can disrupt processes in your cells A blood pH of greater than 7.8 or less than 6.8 can be deadly. Cells have a higher H+ concentration than blood. Blood for example is slightly basic
Buffers pH is regulated in organisms by substances called buffers. Buffer – a compound that can bind to an H+ ion when the H+ concentration increases, and can release an H+ ion when the H+ concentration decreases
Homeostasis Buffers help cells maintain homeostasis Homeostasis – regulation and maintenance of constant internal conditions in an organism