SR Project Paper Peer & Self Edit
A different set of eyes can be more efficient at catching errors Pick a partner you trust!! “Share” your paper with their gs. account, be sure you set it so they can edit. BE AS CAREFUL WITH THEIR PAPER AS YOU WOULD BE WITH YOUR OWN- IF SHOMETHING HAPPENS DO NOT CLOSE THE DOCUMENT. IMMEDIATELY GET MY ATTENTION!!!!
Open your partner’s paper Your job is to highlight any areas that need attention Select the line or phrase of text and highlight Does your partner’s paper have a title? (OTHER than SR Project Paper) Do you see the word “you” anywhere in the paper Do you see any basic formatting errors? Double spaced? Different fonts? Four line heading? One inch margins?
Simple Checklist Does your partner’s paper have a title? (OTHER than SR Project Paper) Highlight it!! Do you see the word “you” anywhere in the paper? Highlight it!! Basic punctuation is necessary- periods, commas, etc. Do you see any ‘text type”? -i should be capitalized
Check their quoted material Now scan for the quotes- Do you see a signal phrase for each? If NOT, Highlight it!! Is there a citation? Either the author’s name in the sentence or in parenthesis at the end? If NOT, Highlight it!! Does that citation match a citation on the Works Cited list? If NOT, Highlight it!!
You can comment by selecting the text that you have a question about. NOW Read for feedback You can comment by selecting the text that you have a question about. Click on the “Comments” button and type your question or comment. Keep it simple, here are some short samples: This sentence is confusing. I’d like to know more about this! This is a good place for a transition. Be sure to click ‘comment’ before moving back to the text
In text citation of the author of an article: How to Cite in the Paper In text citation of a quote within an article (different speaker than author): According to Janet Jones, a fifteen year veteran attorney, “blah de blah blah, de blah de blah blah”(Christoph). In text citation of the author of an article: According to Bob Christoph, a fifteen year veteran attorney, “blah de blah blah, de blah de blah blah.” Parenthetical citation: It is important to rememeber, “blah de blah blah, de blah de blah blah” (Christoph).
Format Check Font Select any text that is NOT Garamond 14pt. Under FORMAT select ‘clear formatting’- this will clean up any strange texts/ fonts you may have accidentally cut and pasted when grabbing quotes (just be sure they are cited!!!!) Also be sure to do this for MLA. Double check that your HEADER (name and pg # in upper right) are also in Garamond.
Check that all margins are correct: 1 inch for body More Formatting Spacing Make sure the whole body of your document and the works cited are double spaced. Now go back and select your 4 line heading- make sure it is single spaced. Check that all margins are correct: 1 inch for body 1.5 inches for any blocked quotes (these should also be single spaced)
Scroll to bottom of Paper: Works Cited Is the Works Cited title centered? Is the rest of the Works Cited page left justified? Does each citation contain all the required info: for an interview: Last, First. Job Title. Personal Interview. Date. Are all the citations in alphabetical order by the first letter in the citation? Do you have a hanging indent for each citation?
Creating Hanging indents in Google Docs Make sure you do not have any extra spaces or line breaks and that each citation begins on its own line. Highlight/ select the whole page of citations. While it is selected: put your cursor over the blue arrow/ bar in the ruler at the top. Drag the whole thing to the 1.5 mark. Next, drag the blue bar ONLY back to the left 1” mark. Now you may click to remove the highlighting/selection. (I should be able to see the names/ titles that show up as citations in your paper easily by scanning the far left list of Works Cited.)
Yellow= in (citation) 4 types of Citation Article w/ Author Last, First. “Title of Article.” Organization/Publication. Date Published. Date Accessed. URL. Article/ Website NO Author “Complete Title of Article.” Organization/Publication. Date Published. Date Accessed. URL. Interview Last, First. Job Title. Personal Interview. Date. Government Website Agency/ Department Name. “Title of Page/ Article/ Report.” Date Published. URL Yellow= in (citation)
Minimum Proficiency (Papers not having these elements will not even be read for content until these items have been added/ completed.) 5-7 pages In-text or parenthetical citations MLA Works Cited (5 Complete entries) 1 Interview listed and cited