The Cell
The Cell The cell is the basic unit of all life The cell is a membrane bound structure that keeps living material separate from the outside environment.
Cell Membrane The outer layer of a cell, mostly made out of lipids. Keeps the contents of the cell safe from the outside world
Cell Wall Found in plants, fungi, and some bacteria. Lies outside the plasma membrane and provides support and protection.
Two types of cells Prokaryotic cells are small, lack a nucleus and organelles. Bacteria are examples of prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells are larger and more complex than prokaryotic cells and do contain a nucleus and organelles. Plants, animals, fungi, and protists are all eukaryotic.
Organelles Organelles are membrane bound structures inside the cell that carry out special functions, like tiny organs. Organelles are only found in eukaryotic cells
Nucleus The nucleus is the part of a cell that contains DNA. The nucleus’s role is to make proteins and other important molecules.
Ribosomes Sites where proteins are made
Vacuoles Saclike structures where materials like water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates may be stored. Plants tend to have one very large vacuole in the middle of the cell.
Mitochondria The “power plant” of a cell Converts energy from food into energy that the cell can use
Chloroplast Found in plants, these green organelles convert energy from light into energy that the cell can use
Endoplasmic Reticulum Often called the “ER” Two kinds: Rough and Smooth The Rough ER holds many ribosomes and is important in the creation and modification of proteins. The Smooth ER is important for the creation of lipids and detoxification.
Golgi Aparatus Ships material created by the endoplasmic reticulum outside of the cell.
Lysosome Small organelles that break down carbohydrates, lipids, or proteins into smaller molecules the cell can use. “Cleaning up” the cell.
Cytoskeleton Protein filaments that help the cell maintain its shape Microfilaments are threadlike and help a cell move. Microtubules are hollow and maintain a cell’s shape.