1.1 Points, Lines and Planes
Points are written with an upper case letter. Dot that marks a location in Space A B = “Point A” = “Point B” Points are written with an upper case letter.
Line - Extends forever in two directions = “Line CD” or “Line DC” written CD or DC = “Line m” written m C D m Lines can be named with the two letters(Upper Case) that lie on the line with a bar with arrows Or by one lower case cursive letter.
Plane - Flat surface that extends indefinitely = “Plane P” written P = “Plane ABC” written Plane ABC A B C Planes can be named with on Upper Case cursive letter Planes can also be named by 3 points on the plane
Collinear - Points that lie on the same line A B C T / F A and B are Collinear T / F A and C are Collinear T / F A, B and C are Collinear
Coplanar - Points that lie on the same Plane Name 3 Coplanar Points ________ Name 3 Noncoplanar Points _________ T/F C, D and G are coplanar T/F A, B, E, F are coplanar T/F A, B, C, E are coplanar A, C, D A B C D G E F Not Possible
Draw and Label each of the following n and m intersect at P p contains N P contains A and B, but not C m intersects P at X P and R intersect at m n P m P A p N C B m X m P R P
Assignments Page 9-10 #’s 6-18, 21, 22, 25, 26.