Pts, Lines & Planes OBJ: To ID & model pts, lines & planes To ID coplanar pts & intersecting lines & planes
Definitions Plane: has a length and a width named by 3 non-collinear pts or a capital script letter A C B R To name this plane, it would be plane ABC or plane R
Definitions Line: just has a length. Can be named by 2 letters or an italics letter. A B l So we can say this is line AB or line l Segment AB has A and B as endpts and is notated by AB
Definitions Points: just visual without length or width. AKA- dot All geometric figures consist of pts. Space: is a boundless 3-dimensional set of all pts Collinear: same line Coplanar: same plane
Example List all the possible names for the plane or line. D C B A A.) Draw the picture B.) Are pts E,F and C collinear? C.) Are pts A,C,D and E coplanar? D.) How many planes are in the picture? E.) Name a pt that is not collinear to F & C F.) Name a pt that is not in plane N G.) What is the intersection of plane N and plane ADE? B.) yes C.) no D.) 5 E.) A, B or D F.) E G.) line AD
Example Draw the figure that shows that line m contains pt P. P m
Your Turn: G can be any where, just not on either line Suppose 4 pts are in a coordinate plane, A(3,-4), B(-2,3), C(4,4) and D(0,-5). Draw and label a figure showing line AB, line CD intersecting at pt F, and a pt G that is coplanar with pts A, B, C, D, and F, but not contained in either line. G can be any where, just not on either line A C B D F G
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