Media & interest groups
Mass media: types Print Media: books, newspapers, magazines, newsletters Electronic Media: radio, television, internet Social Media is not technically classified as mass media because it is interactive instead of just being something people read or view.
Public agenda The topics that get the most time and effort from the government are called the Public Agenda. Media can influence what becomes part of the public agenda by bringing attention to it. When the news talks about an issue, the public becomes more interested and demands action from the government.
Leaks & watchdog role Sometimes, politicians tell reporters secret information. This is called leaking. Why? To test how the public will react to a new law To get on the reporter’s good side Journalists want to expose government corruption whenever possible because this means a lot of people will read or watch their report. $$$! Media serves as a watchdog preventing and exposing corruption. This benefits both the media and the general public.
Interest groups Economic interest groups help certain businesses or groups of workers AFL-CIO: American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations This is a big group of labor unions that help workers in certain industries. Tobacco Institute: Helps cigarette companies Public Interest Groups help Americans in general and are nonpartisan League of Women Voters: educates the public about candidates and issues, aims to simplify voting laws and procedures BBB: Better Business Bureau Helps keep businesses behaving ethically to protect consumers
Demographic interest groups Help specific groups of citizens NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People improves the lives of African-Americans AARP: American Association of Retired Persons Helps senior citizens NOW: National Organization for Women Fights for gender equality
Single issue interest groups Focus on one topic. Those regarding controversial issues often have counterparts on the opposite side. NRA: National Rifle Association Promotes 2nd Amendment rights NCBH: National Coalition to Ban Handguns NARAL: National Abortion Rights Action League NRLC: National Right to Life Committee – against abortion rights MADD: Mothers Against Drunk Driving (no opposing group---not controversial)
How do interest groups influence laws? Hire lobbyists – people who represent the interest group when talking to lawmakers This name started in the early 1800s because they would wait in the lobby of Congress to ask congressmen for favors. Know a lot about how government works and are good at being persuasive Provide information to lawmakers and sometimes even write versions of bills for them to consider. They also may testify in Congress about their issue. Create PACs – The money raised through PACs helps them fund campaigns for candidates who support their cause.
Influencing laws (cont.) Sue the government to change or enforce laws Interest groups may sue over laws that hurt their cause and try to get them overturned. Once the interest group gets Congress to pass a law, they make sure it is being followed and can sue to make sure it is being properly enforced. Recruit and inform the public Interest groups publicize information about their cause to get citizens to demand action from the government. This also helps them get donations! $$$
Laws regulating interest groups Interest Group PACs can only give $10,000 to a candidate’s campaign $5,000 in the primaries, $5,000 in the general election Must register with the government Lobbyists have to disclose who they work for and how much they earn and spend Government officials have a waiting period before they can become lobbyists 2 years in many states Prevents them from taking advantage of inside information and work friendships