Warm-Up Give the relative location of Israel and the absolute location of the city of Jerusalem. Have your world religions chart out on your desk.
Judaism First monotheistic religion. Spread widely and rapidly. Belief in ONE god. Spread widely and rapidly. Numerically small. Does NOT seek converts. Holy book is called the Torah. Widely dispersed throughout the world. Approximately 13 million adherents.
Judaism Three major branches: ORTHODOX: Traditionalists who observe most ceremonial laws and dietary restrictions. CONSERVATIVE: Do not hold the importance of a Jewish political state, but emphasize the historical and religious aspects of Judaism. REFORM: Liberal wing; culture and race oriented with little consensus on doctrinal or religious belief.
Judaism Origin and Diffusion Ethnic Religion (origins of Christianity) Diaspora: In 70 A.D., Romans forced Jews to disperse throughout the world. Ghetto: During the Middle Ages, a neighborhood in a city set up by law to be inhabited only by Jews. Judaism
Judaism Basic Precepts Belief in One God Torah - original 5 chapters of Bible Prophecy of Moses Coming of the Messiah still to come Atonement accomplished by sacrifices, penitence & good deeds