Publicity and Public Relations
Publicity Publicity involves placing newsworthy information about a company, product, or person in the media Attributes that define publicity: Free More credible than advertising Business does not control message Can be positive or negative
Pubic Relations Public Relations are any activity designed to CREATE goodwill towards a business. Presentation of an Award Charitable Activities Host Community Activity Call Press Release about a new product
Pubic Relations The goodwill created from Public Relations benefit companies by: Increasing Sales Reinforce Good Reputation Increase Receptivity to Advertising Reducing the Impact of Problems
Audience for Pubic Relations Public Relations are targeted many different places. The three audiences for public relations are categorized as: Employee Relations Customer Relations Community Relations
Employee Relations Successful businesses have loyal and well-motivated employees who feel they are important to the company. Public Relation programs for employees include: tuition reimbursements for college newsletters for and about employees health and wellness programs promoting from within company employee suggestion programs (rewards)
Customer Relations Many firms offer more than just friendliness and service to build customer relations: Child-care facilities Gift Wrapping Free Delivery Customer Advisory Boards Specialized consultants for helping customers
Community Relations Successful businesses also try to gain the respect of the community. They can do this a number of ways. Some include: Sponsoring Community Activities Awarding Scholarships Developing Business/School Partnerships Economic Development Programs Charitable Efforts