UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The rebirth of European art, religion, and culture and the downfall of the Catholic Church NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT MAP 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction to the modern world WHI/Middle Ages Age of Exploration Renaissance & Reformation Empires and Trade Routes Resulting in 1./27 Map around 1500 Inspired by Trade routes Catholic Counter Reformation 1./27 1./28 5 Major Religions 1./29 Italian Renaissance By reviewing 1./29 Humanism By identifying 5 Major Religions By examining 1./29 Northern Renaissance 1./30 Reformation in HRE Protestant Reformers Italian Renaissance 1./30 Reformation in Switz. Reformation in England 1./30 1./31 Counter Reformation 2./3 Jeopardy Review 2/4 Warren County Visitors Unit Test 2/5 Summarizing Identifying assumptions I Interpreting maps Analyzing sources Compare/contrast On a world map, where were some of the major states and empires located around 1500? World religions? Regional trade routes? What technological & scientific advancements had been made & exchanged by 1500? What were the artistic, literary and intellectual ideas of the Renaissance? What were the problems and issues that provoked religious reforms in Christianity? What were the major economic, political, & theological issues involved in the Reformation? How did the Catholic church respond to the Reformation?
UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The rebirth of European art, religion, and culture NAME DATE The Unit Organizer BIGGER PICTURE LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT NEXT UNIT UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS is about... UNIT RELATIONSHIPS UNIT SCHEDULE UNIT MAP 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 Introduction to the modern world Middle Ages Age of Exploration Renaissance & Reformation Map around 1500 Map Around 1500 WH II 2a,2c,2d #2-7,15-18, 19-20,22 Catholic Counter Reformation WHII 3b #23, 25,27 Trade routes Italian Renaissance Humanism Northern Renaissance Spread of Reformation Reformation in England Italian Renaissance WHII 2b #8-13, 30 Reformation WH II 3a,3b, 3c #21,24,31,36, 38-40, 11, 14, 28, 29, 32, 34, 35, 37 Counter Reformation Review Test Summarizing Identifying assumptions I Interpreting maps Analyzing sources Compare/contrast On a world map, where were some of the major states and empires located around 1500? World religions? Regional trade routes? What technological & scientific advancements had been made & exchanged by 1500? What were the artistic, literary and intellectual ideas of the Renaissance? What were the problems and issues that provoked religious reforms in Christianity? What were the major economic, political, & theological issues involved in the Reformation? How did the Catholic church respond to the Reformation?
________ by _____________ NAME DATE The Unit Organizer SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10 Renaissance and Reformation ________ by _____________ By examining The rebirth of European art, religion, and culture and the downfall of the Catholic Church Italian Renaissance Renaissance means________________? Italy is a large ________ area In the _________ Sea. Competition between major _______________ and ruling families. Inventions and Technological advancements gained from trade with the Ottomans __________ by _________ __________ by _________ City States __________ by _________
Humanities or Classics NAME DATE The Unit Organizer SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10 Renaissance and Reformation ______________-considered the father of Humanism. He collected many ancient Greek and Roman texts. By examining The rebirth of European art, religion, and culture and the downfall of the Catholic Church Italian Renaissance By____________ Define Humanism- By____________ By_________ By____________ Humanities or Classics By____________