Lesson 6 and 7 In order to make progress this lesson we are going to: Discover how people protected themselves during the Second World War.
Connect Look at source A. What can you see? Annotate it with three things that you can see. Compare these with the person next to you, now compare it with the whole class. A
Study all the information you have been given Demonstrate B When air raids are threatened, warning will be given in towns by sirens, or hooters will be sounded in some places by short blasts and in others by a warbling note, changing every few seconds. The warnings may be given by police or air-raids wardens blowing short blasts on whistles. When you hear the warning, take cover at once. Remember that most of the injuries in an air raid are caused not by direct hits by bombs but by flying fragments of debris or by bits of shells. Stay under cover until you hear the sirens sounding continuously for two minutes on the same note, which is the signal ‘raiders passed’. C This cut-away drawing shows how a family fitted into a Anderson Shelter Task Study all the information you have been given Imagine you are one of the children in the picture in source b. What are you thinking? What are you feeling? British government gave these leaflets out in 1939
Shelters: Nasty or Nice? Demonstrate Study sources a-d Annotate all the source using the four W’s What does Barbara Castle say was wrong with the Anderson Shelters? How far does the drawing in source b support what she says? Why are Evelyn Ross and Muriel Simkin criticising Underground stations?
How did people shelter from bombs? b) What would you write in your diary entry for the night of 8th September 1940? Begin ‘Suddenly the sirens started wailing…..’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erMO3m0oLvs&feature=BFa&list=PLACD71B64E4B6CDB9
Has ALSO evaluated the different types of shelter, explaining how safe people were during the Second World War and using ‘on the other hand…’ and reaching a conclusion using ‘overall’. Has ALSO explained why people might have chosen an Anderson shelter, and why they might have chosen a Morrison shelter, using evidence (quotes). Has described the different type of shelter, using examples from the evidence.
Consolidate Swap your work with the person next to you. Use the peer assessment Hamburger to mark each others work!
Living through the Blitz Demonstrate Watch the video, make notes on what life was like during the Blitz. Task: Design an information leaflet advising people on how they can stay safe during the Blitz
Connect Look at the photograph. Can you write down thought captions for each of these boys?