A Journey through the Life Where did it all start? How has it progressed? Where has it led me today?
Chapter 1: Early Influences Mom and dad were engineers, but grandma would sing me to sleep. Connections? 4th Grade: The Musical beginning. Introduced to chorus, began violin Parents questioned music taste, played in heavy metal bands
Chapter 2: High School and the Theater Clique By 9th grade I had been thinking about pursuing music more in depth but never as a career. Started voice lessons with a local teacher The opportunities in high school to perform helped me find a place to get away, acted as a “shelter”.
NYSSA: A Change of Direction Summer 2011 went to NYSSA School of Choral studies Working with other students who cared about music just as much as me, receiving advice from professionals.
Chapter 3: Where to now?! I had never thought about the possibility of pursuing a career in music. With both parents pursuing sciences, I thought I would have to follow in their footsteps Studied at Eastman for a year to prepare Parents gave suggestion, and the auditions began!
Epilogue Today, I am proud to be a student at Crane School of Music. I thank my parents and past teachers who have influenced and given life to my musical experiences, molding me into who I am today.