Journal #2 “Virtual vs Direct Representation” 10.29.14 We are going to play a game in class. Each team will split into two and stand on one side or the other of the classroom. The goal is to get an egg from one end of the classroom to the other without it breaking. Rules: The Egg has to remain above ground. You cannot use your hands or anything other than your utensil to transport the egg. Everyone in the team MUST participate in order to win. Before we begin the game in your journal and with your partner write down a list of grievances (reasons to complain) that you may have.
Direct Representation: a representative is chosen by the people and is the people’s voice in a given area Virtual Representation: a representative is chosen by the government to speak for the people in a given area
Unit Objective: What Components are needed for a growing and successful society? Lesson Objective/I CAN: I can explain the role of government and it’s role in society. I can assess the success or failure of society through using Locke’s Second Treatise of Government. Glorious Revolution: British kick their King of his throne, and put Parliament in charge of the country.
Somebody had and idea and it spread. How do they do it? Somebody had and idea and it spread. Who? John Locke He wrote the Second Treatise of Government to show his grievances against the King, and to argue for why his disposal was acceptable (okay). Explains the Role of Government—NEW IDEA
Second Treatise of Government 1. In a state of NATURE there is no government (no divine right of Kings) Men naturally have the ability to be and live in perfect freedom. Perfect Freedom: The ability to do or say as you wish.
Why would anyone give up their right to do whatever they want to do?
It is uncertain whether they will truly be able to enjoy that freedom It is uncertain whether they will truly be able to enjoy that freedom. It is constantly being threatened by the free will of others.
Second Treatise of Government 2. Men Create a Social Contract Government is a human invention made to serve a human purpose. People come together to agree on a set of social parameters that enable their freedom.
Second Treatise of Government 3. Government’s ONLY job is protect people’s natural rights. Government exists to make sure that the Social Contract is maintained.
Second Treatise of Government 4. Government exists by the consent of the governed Government exists to make sure that the Social Contract is maintained.
Second Treatise of Government 5. If Government violates the social contract, the people have the right and duty to revolt. If the government abuse the power—neglect the people—and do not what is good for them then the reason for government doesn’t exist anymore. The bond of trust has been broken.
This ability to listen to one’s people to use government to extend their freedoms, not to hinder them is what will determine if a society is a “success” or not.