Notes: The Spread Of Islam Solution Notes: The Spread Of Islam Crisis Muslims chose _________ _________ who was a loyal _______________of ____________________ He became the first _____________ Caliph – (kay-lif) _______ ____________________________________________ Muhammad dies in __________ Muslims now had to find a new _______________ Muhammad did _________ ______________ a _______________________ 100% Islam Abu-Bakr After Muhammad __________ some Muslims __________________ to pay _________ Tried to say they were __________________ themselves Some tribes ________________ Islam In order to get things under ________________ , Abu-Bakr used the ______________ to get ________________ By the time Abu ____________, the Muslim state controlled _______ of _______________ Under the next 2 caliphs they took: ___________ Lower ______________ Parts of _________________ By ___________ they controlled from the __________________ Ocean to the _____________ River (2x the width of the ___________!!) Muslim State They were successful because they were Willing to ________________ till the end for ______________ Well _________________________ Expertly ___________________ __________________ were not used to their style of __________________ Muslim Troops Copyright © Clara Kim 2007. All rights reserved.