Introduction to Debate M6 Debate Teacher Jeff
What is a Debate? Debate- 1. (n) a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly (the branch of a government which makes the country’s laws) . 2. (v) to argue about a subject, especially in a formal manner.
What is an argument? Argument-1. (n) an exchange of opposing viewpoints regarding an issue between two or more people. Usually an argument is heated or angry. 2. (n) a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
What is Rhetoric? Rhetoric- 1. (n) speech or writing that is intended to convince people of a certain point of view.
Why is debate important? Debate improves one’s critical thinking skills. Debate broadens one’s perspective on various topics and current issues. Debate helps you better articulate your thoughts. Debate helps you become a better speaker.
Why is debate important? Debating helps you think on your feet. Helps you better accept criticism Helps you be empathetic toward someone who doesn’t agree with you Helps you keep your emotions in check
Why is debate important? Debating helps you learn to construct meaning out of complex topics. From world peace to banning nuclear energy, taking the time to research the subject and carefully construct the points you want to make will help you construct a better argument.
Why is debate important? Debate helps you to improve your presentation skills. By improving your presentation skills, you will become more confident.
Why is debate important? Debating helps one become more socially conscious. As a result, you will have a better understanding of society and the world in which we live. Debating requires one to become more politically and socially aware of current affairs. This will help you have better connections with other people.