Circuits A circuit is any directed path which includes: A starting point (switch,valve..) Power source (battery or outlet) Set pathway defined by a medium (wire, pipes, restrictions) An area of resistance or “load” (light, buzzer, heating element, fan...)
I= Q/t Q=charge Key Formulas: t=time V=IR I=current (amps) V=voltage (volts) R=resistance (ohms)
Example 1: What is the resistance of a toaster that draws 12 amps of current from a 120V outlet?
Example 2: How much current(amps) is drawn by a light bulb with a resistance of 100 ohms and 50V of electricity supplied to the circuit?
It is the amount of current in a “shocking” experience that can harm a human!!! 0.001amps = felt 0.005amps = pain 0.010 amps = involuntary muscle spasms 0.015 amps = loss of muscle control 0.70+ = fatality
Food for thought... A dry human body has a resistance of 100,000ohms. What type of damage will a “body” experience if exposed to a standard 120V outlet?
Second thought... A wet body has a resistance of 1000 ohms. What type of damage will occur if a wet body is exposed to a 120V outlet?
Simple circuits contain.... A voltage source 1 direction of wire A volt reader or reactive medium or resistance medium Switch Examples: flashlight, room with one ceiling light, ??? Detecting problems:easy to follow path!!!
Series circuits contain... A voltage source 1 direction of wires Multiple loads Switch EXAMPLES: room with multiple lights which turn on with a single switch, x-mas tree lights, ??? Detecting problems: if 1 medium is broke (open) none of the circuit works.
Parallel circuits contain... A voltage source Multiple directions for current motion Loads Multiple switches EXAMPLE: kitchen with multiple appliances running simultaneously.