COMMITTEE MEMBERS & ROLES Mr. Dunn – Facilitator Ms. Bush – Project Manager Mrs. Williams – Note-taker/Administrative Mr. Smith – Resource Coordinator
THE OBJECTIVE OF GAPSS I. The purpose GAPSS is to assess Crim’s progress/effectiveness by analyzing the data reported by the state. A. The following standards were used as a gauge: - School Keys & the Alternative Education Program School Keys is the standard that the state of Georgia uses to measure a school’s overall effectiveness School Keys is divided into eight (8) specified strands/categories: Note: Being that Crim Open Campus HS is considered an alternative school, another standard has been included in gauging the school’s level of proficiency; The Alternative Education Program Standards (AEP) These standards, School Keys & the AEP, have been aligned in a spreadsheet The data will be used as a crosswalk reference tool for planning & improvement initiatives This data will assist in preparing the school for the following: - understanding their strengths (operational) & addressing the areas of emergence GAPSS will also collaborate with INDISTAR/TITLE I to ensure data is aligned across committees Along with state & the district’s objectives, the committees need to be cognizant of the following: - identifying trends in the school that impacts progress - provide corrective measures to meet future goals (varies from school to school).
Timeline of GAPSS Dec. 2014 – GAPSS analysis report will be complete The analysis report will include: Dec. 2014 - The initial visit & conversation with the State Jan/Feb. 2015 - The official visit will be conducted The visit will include: - Teacher/Parent/Student interviews (questions given) (Ex: school mission/vision, leadership, differentiation, etc.) - Observations conducted by the State (Crosswalk Reference Tool --School Keys & AEP strands) The State will compile a GAPSS report after the official visit (Findings) 2012-2013 – Initiatives for improvement based on the report for GAPSS last visit & findings - Walk-thrus/observations will be ongoing to ascertain standard’s based instruction is being delivered
GAPSS COMMITTEE SMART GOALS REMEMBER: Use SMART goal setting: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Trackable & Time Bound Track progress made throughout the project to stay on target with both work and professional development goals.
WORK PLAN WEEK ONE Goal & Sub Tasks Collaboration Needs Resource Needs Rank # Goal & Sub Tasks Collaboration Needs Resource Needs Date Due or Frequency Anticipated Obstacle Solution Progress Made Goal: To complete alignment of GAPSS findings to AEP/CIP/SIP/School Keys/Indistar Sub Tasks Develop Excel/MS Word spreadsheet with categories. Each staff member will… Williams-provide notes from meeting Smith-send email containing charts Bush-provide support to Dunn (help) Dunn-complete alignment Binder, Excel spreadsheet. Time committee meeting to review the categories and observations to align to standards. September 5th Not receiving information requested. Set up electronic reminder to members Dunn has started the excel sheet need to assess growth areas for Crim
WORK PLAN Week TWO Rank # Goal & Sub Tasks Collaboration Needs WORK PLAN Week TWO Rank # Goal & Sub Tasks Collaboration Needs Resource Needs Date Due or Frequency Anticipated Obstacle Solution Progress Made Goal Complete PowerPoint for presentation for September 11th and September 15th Sub Tasks -Complete chart on “Needs” -Put together information on structures, dates, and timelines. Each staff member will… Williams-provide notes from meeting Smith-send email containing charts Bush-provide support to Dunn (help) Dunn-complete PowerPoint Binder, Excel spreadsheet. Time committee meeting to review the categories and observations to align to standards. Sept. 11th Sept. 15th Not receiving various information in time from colleagues. Compile a one page, “What’s in it for my peers to participate list” and provide easy to use format for generating list. Ask peers about obstacles faced in producing the participant list to be proactive in removing obstacles. Send electronic reminder if needed Dunn and Bush have started working on chart of the GAPSS analysis “Needs” to address