Welcome to Computer Skills and Applications Ms. Caroway Introduction / Classroom Management Plan
Agenda Welcome / Introduction Classroom Management Plan Carroll PRIDE Flyer Creation Getting to Know You Activities
Get into Covey’s Habits: Be proactive / Begin with the end in mind / Put first things first / Think win-win / Seek first to understand, then to be understood / Synergize / Sharpen the saw Leadership Quote: “Be a yardstick of quality.” Steve Jobs EQ: How do you think MS will differ from Elementary? 7th and 8th graders: How do you think this year will be different from last year? Standards / Objective: Get to know each other Warm-up—Tween Tribune Global News – Discuss Warm up Teacher Input Edutyping/Ignition Activity Lesson Recap Exit Slip “The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do." Warm-up Details—Tween Tribune Type a sentence of what you see in the picture and think what the global news reflects. Read the corresponding Tween Tribune article. Then type a paragraph summary in a new Word document. Differentiation: Reduced product tasks while others conduct online topic research and provide a typed summary.
Overview of Student Behavior Follow the Carroll PRIDE expectations. Be… Positive. Responsible. Independent. Determined. Educated.
On time and prepared with materials Class Rules: All students should SOAR and be: Studious On time and prepared with materials Avoiding food, beverage, and chewing gum Respectful to self and others / Remain quiet and in your seat.
Class Rule #1: All students should SOAR and be: Studious Study nightly the daily lesson including vocabulary terms Prepare for upcoming pop and announced quizzes
On time and prepared with materials Class Rules: All students should SOAR and be: On time and prepared with materials Bring a writing tool, paper, notebook, and highlighter daily to class. Have pencil sharpened prior to taking your seat. Immediately start your warm-up.
Avoiding food, beverage, chewing gum, and candy Class Rules: All students should SOAR and be: Avoiding food, beverage, chewing gum, and candy Remember that chewing gum is not allowed in the school.
Respectful to self and others / Remain quiet and in your seat. Class Rules: All students should SOAR and be: Respectful to self and others / Remain quiet and in your seat. Keep your hands to yourself. Seek permission to speak and get out of your seat.
Consequences 1st offense: Verbal warning / seat change / quiet time out 2nd offense: Parent contact / silent lunch detention 3rd offense: Parent contact / conference 4th offense: Parent contact / minor referral 5th offense: Parent contact / major referral Any misbehavior with a sub will result in parent contact / lunch detention. If needed, you may serve a higher consequence if the misbehavior warrants it.
Procedures Raise your hand to gain permission to speak and get out of your seat. Pass your completed work to the front without leaving your seat and the distribution manager will pick up all work. There will be times when you will place your completed work in the trays as you exit the room.
Procedures (continued) When the bell rings: Remain quiet. Ensure that your area is neat and clean. Verify that you logged off computer. Push your chair underneath the table. Quietly leave the room once your row is called. Once assigned, sit in your assigned seats. When there is a sub, follow the same rules / procedures.
Recap / Questions
Activities Bean Bag Challenge Introduce your Peer Name Goals for the year Best part of summer Fun Fact
Day 2 – Intro Agenda Warm up – Tween Tribune Discuss Article Review Policies and Procedures Poll Everywhere 7 Habits Activities Sunglasses Distractions Thumb War Exit Question: How would you explain rules and behavior?
Essential Question (EQ): How would you explain rules and behavior? Warm-up Observe the following picture and list words / phrases that depict what you think the picture represents. Essential Question (EQ): How would you explain rules and behavior? CCSS.ELA.-Literacy.R1.6.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the image.