Vocabulary Unit 21 Quiz Friday 3-31-17
1. obsession (n.) a preoccupation; an idea, feeling, or impulse that a person cannot escape.
2. obtuse (adj.) not sharp-edged or pointed; blunt; intellectually and emotionally insensitive; dull
3. omen (n.) a sign of what is to happen in the future
4. ominous (adj.) threatening; foreboding; sinister
5. opaque (adj.) not letting light through; not transparent; dark; hard to understand
6. oppressive (adj.) tyrannical; hard to take; physically or mentally distressing
7. optimistic (adj.) expecting the best; inclined to look on the bright side; cheerful
8. oratory (n.) skillful public speaking
9. orthodox (adj.) adhering to accepted beliefs, especially in religion, approved or conventional
10. ostracize (v.) to banish; to shut out or exclude from a group
Vocabulary Unit 22 Quiz Friday 4-7-17
11. ovation (n.) enthusiastic and prolonged applause; an enthusiastic reception or tribute
12. palatial (adj.) like a palace; magnificent and grand
13. panorama (n.) a wide, unbroken view of the surroundings
14. paramount (adj.) chief in importance; supreme; dominant
15. passive (adj.) acted upon rather than acting; yielding without resistance; submissive
16. patio (n.) a paved terrace for outdoor eating and lounging; an inner court open to the sky
17. perceptible (v.) noticeable; observable; palpable; perceivable
18. perennial (adj.) perpetual; enduring (n.) a plant that last through all the seasons for many years
19. perspective (n.) the effects of distance or depth on the appearance of objects; point of view
20. pessimistic (adj.) expecting things to turn out badly; gloomy; fixated on the negative aspects
Vocabulary Unit 23 Quiz Friday 4-21-17
21. plaintiff (n.) a person who initiates a lawsuit; the complaining party
22. plaintive (adj.) mournful; melancholy; sad; sorrowful
23. poach (v.) to trespass on someone’s land, especially to hunt or fish illegally; to cook in simmering liquid
24. ponderous (adj.) large, heavy, and clumsy; dull and tiresome
25. potency (n.) power; strength; force
26. potion (n.) liquid, especially one used as a poison or in medicine or magic
27. precedent (n.) an act that serves as an example for later acts
28. predatory (adj.) inclined to prey on others (by robbery, killing, etc.)
29. premature (adj.) too soon; too early; before the proper time
30. preposterous (adj.) completely contrary to nature, reason or common sense; absurd; ridiculous; foolish
Vocabulary Unit 2 Quiz Friday 4-28-17
31. priority (n.) something that is first in order of time or importance; precedence
32. promenade (n.) a leisurely walk or stroll; a public walkway (v.) to walk or stroll
33. prominence (adj.) the state or quality of being important or standing out; state of being famous or distinguished; distinction
34. prospective (n.) probable; expected in the future
35. prowess (adj.) bravery; daring; strength; unusual skill or ability in battle
36. pungent (adj.) sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell; sharp; keen; biting
37. quest (n.) seeking; hunt; search; a journey in search of adventure; (v.) to go in search
38. quorum (n.) the minimum number of members needed at a meeting to make official decisions
39. quota (n.) a proportional share; allotment
40. rapture (n.) great joy; delight; ecstasy