The Grimke Sisters
The Annexation of Texas the Mexican-American War the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1845-1848)
James Polk
Polk Moves West! From Britain From Mexico Annexation
Remember the Alamo!
Annexation of Texas 1836: Texas won independence from Mexico Van Buren recognizes TX, but does not try to annex. 1845: Tyler/Polk try to annex TX again…succeed! Mexico is mad.
Tension Continues because… Texas thinks… Mexico Thinks…
1846 - Blood on the Rio Grand
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848 MX agrees to recognize Rio Grande as TX border. US would take control of CA & NM US would pay 15 million Some Whigs opposed this treaty (slavery scheme) Some Dem. Opposed b/c wanted all MX Treaty ratified by 2/3 anyway
Let’s ban slavery in the new land won/bought Wilmot Proviso Proposed by PA congressman David Wilmot: Pass House but defeated in Senate Let’s ban slavery in the new land won/bought from Mexico
Compromise of 1850 The “Great Compromiser” Henry Clay proposes: Let’s make a deal