Drafter Danny gallardo Pr.4th 10.15.13
drafter Architectural and civil drafter Work under the direction of engineers and architects to draw by hand or by computer programs working drawings of buildings, landscapes, highways, bridges, etc.
High school you need a high school diploma. With additional education or experience, you may specialize in civil, mechanical, electrical or other engineering design technologies.
college You require a bachelor's degree in architecture, engineering or related field, or a specialized degree from a technical institute to become a drafter
job requirements need skills from academic programs so that they may move into the work of designing directly for professionals such as engineers or architects.
Drafters job Drafter duties is to draw a blueprint for a bulding or landscapes for people can make stuff there There responsibilites is to get the job done and make sure that the things he draws is right
Interesting This job has many interesting things about it. Like in this job you get to draw buildings any shape you can think about.and the pay is really good! And there are many interesting things you use in this job
My thoughts and opinions My thoughts of this job are that this job look fun cause you get to draw and build stuff and you get payed good. My opinion is that this job is the best! And yes this is something I would like to reseach more! Yes I did think of doing this job before I did the test