How does a speaker achieve purpose?


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Presentation transcript:

How does a speaker achieve purpose? I can explain how an author uses narration to prove a point. I can write well developed paragraph with depth and complexity. RI.11-12.3 – Analyze a complex set of ideas and how individuals, events, or ideas develop over the course of the text. RI.11-12.5 – Analyze the effectiveness of structure, including whether points are clear, convincing, or engaging. W.11-12.2 – Write explanatory text to convey complex ideas clearly and accurately through effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.

Agenda Finish Rodriguez group analysis Mini-socratic discussion Review how-to of Socratic discussion and how to have an AP-level socratic - Write the response to Rodriguez

Finish Group Poster Analysis of Rodriguez If you haven’t already, be really explicit in identifying the major subjects, main idea, and purpose of the piece.

Socratic: Student-driven: 2) Focused on Rhetoric: Teacher doesn’t talk unless things have gotten WAY off topic You are talking to each other—don’t look to the teacher when you talk. Look to your classmates TRACK THE SPEAKER (your eyes should be on the person speaking) 2) Focused on Rhetoric: Remember rhetorical analysis is all about analyzing HOW someone makes their argument effectively You could focus on 1) figuring out major subjects/arguments/purposes, 2) strategies that help achieve these, and 3) anything that you are confused about that is blocking your understanding of the argument.

Sample Response Analyzing the Purpose of Narrative: In his 2004 address before the democratic convention in Illinois, Barack Obama uses narrative to convince his audience that he is worthy of their votes because he is a representative of the “common man.” He focuses on three narratives in the speech: his father’s story of emigrating to the “magical” U.S.A., his maternal grandparents’ story of working during WWII, and his parents’ story of having dreams for him. In the first, he talks about his father’s humble beginnings as a goat farmer in Kenya and how he worked hard to earn a scholarship to study in the U.S.A. The events in this narrative characterize Obama’s father as hard working enough to go from having nothing to becoming successful. By sharing this narrative, Obama builds credibility with his middle- class, working audience to show them that he understands this American struggle to work hard to improve your life, which makes him more likely to achieve his overall goal of securing their vote. Thesis statement that explains what strategy you’re focused on and what it accomplishes. Identify a particular narrative or narratives. Describe specifically the content of the narrative. Connect the narrative to how it helps achieve the overall purpose.

Individual FORMATIVE Assessment In a well-developed paragraph, analyze how Rodriquez uses personal interactions to convey his discoveries about language. Helpful Hints: Identify Rodriguez’s use of narrative/anecdotes. What idea is Rodriquez trying to covey through this story/What argument is being created? Explain how the details of his story convey the argument. Use scoring criteria at the bottom to ensure that you understand how to master the standard! 