Welcome to 7th Grade Science With Miss Bremer
Contacting Miss Bremer Samantha Bremer sbremer@wayneschools.com Please give at least 24 hours to reply
General Concepts Covered Atoms, Periodic Table, Earth and Space Science Will be starting to implement New Generation Science Standards* Thinking like a scientist
Materials Needed Required 3 Ring Binder Binder Paper Composition Notebook Thin Dry Erase Marker Blue and Black Ink Pens Pencils Red Pen Planner Colored Pencils
Materials Cont. Coming Soon Online Techbook Access Optional USB Drive
Homework Monday through Thursday, and sometimes Friday. To be done neatly Answered in complete sentences Needs to have full name, date, period and assignment written on the top of the page Done in Pencil, Blue or Black Ink
Homework Cont. It is your child’s responsibility to copy the homework from the board. Homework will not be accepted late If an emergency arises please let me know
If your child is absent… Student’s responsibility to get missing work
Laboratory and Classroom Behavior Fooling around in the lab/classroom will NOT be tolerated. Safety First If student is not following laboratory rules they will not be allowed to participate in lab and will receive a zero for the assignment. Students are expected to come on time and prepared for class.
Notebooks Notebooks have 3 sections. Should be set up already. Pages in handout section of binder should stay in notebook all year! Should be kept neat and orderly.
Grading Everyone starts with an A Break down: Tests: 35% Quizzes/Notebook: 15% Labs/Projects: 25% Graded Homework: 15% Classwork/Non-graded Homework/Participation: 10%
Extra Credit Extra Credit will only be offered if given to the whole class There will be extra credit opportunities on some tests and quizzes.