Opening Prayer O Jesus, greatest Teacher of all times, Thank you for Your gift of the Holy Bible. You inspired the prophets and the apostles, Guiding them to eternalize the Sacred Word. Always maintain my faith in the Holy Word Continue to guide me through its Books, Granting me the required insight and wisdom To thoroughly digest Your many mysteries. Thank you for these righteous teachings.
It is the Alpha and the Omega Today’s Lesson – Part 1 Today’s lesson contains sweeping epics, riveting love stories, great poetry, deep wisdom, ‘whodunit’ mysteries complete with surprising endings. It has great insight to the great questions of life. It discusses slavery and freedom. It is the Alpha and the Omega What is it?!
Some Fun Facts about the Bible before we get started: Bible comes from the Latin word meaning Books The Bible was written over a 1,500 yr span over 40 generations with over 40 authors Kings Peasants Philosophers Fishermen Poets Statesmen's Scholars
The Bible was written in different places: wilderness, dungeons, palaces, etc.. In different times: war, peace On 3 continents: Asia, Africa, Europe In 3 languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek
The Bible has been translated in part or in whole into over 1,200 Languages and dialects! The Bible is the largest seller of ALL books EVER published! EVER!
There are 773,692 words in the Whole Bible with 1,189 chapters! Words of the Bible There are 773,692 words in the Whole Bible with 1,189 chapters!
Longest Word in the Bible Mahershalalhashbaz Son of the prophet Isaiah
So What is the Bible? The Bible is a holy book, which means that God speaks to us through it. Actually, the Bible is really not one book but a collection of books. The Bible is the story of God’s love relationship with all of us.
Break it down…. The Bible is divided into 2 major sections: The Old Testament Can anyone name a story from the Old Testament?? The New Testament from the New Testament?
How to Find Things in the Bible Each BOOK in the Bible is divided into CHAPTERS The CHAPTER numbers are the larger ones on the page. Each CHAPTER is divided into VERSES. A VERSE is usually about a sentence long. The VERSE numbers are the smaller numbers in each chapter and start with VERSE 1 in each new chapter. (see next slide and discuss)
Book Chapter Verse
Did You Know…. It is believed the raven was the first animal out of the ark