Body Paragraphs (Main Points) How to Write a Five Paragraph Essay: Body Paragraphs (Main Points)
The Basic Five Paragraph Essay Paragraph 1: Introduction Paragraph 2: Main Point 1 Paragraph 3: Main Point 2 Paragraph 4: Main Point 3 Paragraph 5: Conclusion
The three main body paragraphs will give three reasons why the thesis is true. Introduction Main Point 1 Main Point 2 Main Point 3
3 Body Paragraphs Topic Sentence Concrete Details Transition
Body Paragraphs Topic Sentence The main idea of the paragraph. It must be related to the thesis statement.
Body Paragraphs Concrete Details (supporting sentences) Make sure each sentence either explains or supports the topic. Make sure it is specific, not abstract nor hypothetical.
Concrete Details are: 1. Facts : “There are an equal number of eighth grade boys and girls in this school.”
2. Statistics: “In Indiana, 89% of students graduate from high school
3. Quotes: Mrs. Thomas said, “This is the most intelligent group of eighth-grade English students that I have ever seen.”
4: Tell a Story Your anecdote should prove an example of how your topic sentence and thesis are true. Abandoned animals need urgent care. Two years ago, we found a kitten in the parking lot on a very hot day. There was no mother cat in sight. The kitten was over-heated and dehydrated. Immediately we drover her to the vet. Unfortunately, she didn’t make it. As a result, we always carry pet food and water in the car to help strays.
Your writing must tell the reader why, or how, the evidence that you presented as a concrete detail supports your topic sentence, thesis statement, and is in agreement with the mood or tone of your paper.
Body Paragraphs: Transitions The last sentences of your body paragraphs should: Summarize the importance of the information in the paragraph, And Transition to the next topic.
Possible Transitions Phrases: This event affected… For example … As an illustration… In addition … This leads to… When this occurred … Furthermore …