Disaster Risk Management – Challenges and Opportunities Dr Pavan Kumar Singh Joint advisor (Operations) National Disaster Management Authority Govt of India
Global Trends of Disasters Disasters are increasing in number. Hydro-Meteorological Disasters increasing due to Climate Change. Number of deaths have been arrested, economic losses mounting.
Number of Disasters per Disaster Type Global Disaster Situation (1900 – 2018) Increasing trend of hydro-meteorological disasters. Climate change induced extreme weather events. Number of Disasters per Disaster Type Year Source: EM-DAT
Global Disaster Losses (1900 – 2018) Economic losses Loss of human lives Economic Losses (in US $ Billion) Number of Deaths (in Thousand) Year Year Source: EM-DAT
to extreme climate and weather Climate Change 90% of disasters related to extreme climate and weather
Asia Development Bank Report Asia alone “will need to invest $1.7 trillion per year in infrastructure until 2030...”
DM Structure - India National Level NDMA set up as the Apex Body with Hon’ble PM as Chairperson. National Executive Committee (NEC) under Home Secretary with Secretaries of 14 Ministries and Chief of Integrated Defence Staff Function as Executive Committee of NDMA. (Agriculture, Atomic Energy, Defence, Drinking Water Supply, Environment and Forests, Finance (Expenditure), Health, Power, Rural Development, Science and Technology, Space, Telecommunication, Urban Development, Water Resources).
Salient Features – DM Act DM Structure State Level SDMA at State Level, headed by Chief Minister. State Executive Committee (SEC), headed by Chief Secretary, SEC to prepare State Plan and coordinate & monitor its implementation. District Level DDMA headed by District Magistrate. Chairperson of Zila Parishad as Co-Chairperson. Preparation of District Disaster Management Plan (DDMP).
Salient Features – DM Act DM Structure Others National Disaster Response Force (NDRF). National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM). Disaster Response Fund at the National and State level.
Institutional Mechanism: Nodal Ministries/ Departments Sl. No. Disaster Disaster being handled by Nodal Ministry 1. Earthquake Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of Earth Sciences 2. Flood Ministry of Water Resources 3. Cyclone India Meteorological Department under Ministry of Earth Sciences 4. Tsunami 5. Landslide Ministry of Mines 6. Avalanches Ministry of Defence 7. Drought, Hailstorm & Pest Attack Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperation Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture
Institutional Mechanism: Nodal Ministries/ Departments Sl. No. Disaster Disaster being handled by Nodal Ministry 8. Forest Fire Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change 9. Nuclear Disaster Ministry of Home Affairs/ Department of Atomic Energy Department of Atomic Energy 10. Industrial and Chemical Disasters 11. Biological Disasters Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 12. Rail Accidents Ministry of Railways 13. Road Accidents Ministry of Road Transport & Highways 14. Aviation Accidents Ministry of Civil Aviation
Institutional Mechanism: Early Warning & Dissemination Sl. No. Disaster Nodal Ministry/ Agency 1. Flood Ministry of Water Resources/ Central Water Commission 2. Cyclone India Meteorological Department under Ministry of Earth Sciences 3. Tsunami Ministry of Earth Sciences/ INCOIS 4. Drought, Hailstorm & Pest Attack Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture
Policy & Plans National Policy on Disaster Management (2009) “To build a Safe and Disaster Resilient India by developing a holistic, proactive, multi-disaster and technology-driven strategy through a culture of prevention, mitigation, preparedness and efficient response.”
Strategy Strategy A multi-dimensional Strategy, focusing on – Pre-disaster Phase: Prevention. Mitigation. Preparedness. Capacity Building (NDRF, SDRF, CD, NCC, NYKS etc). Community based Disaster Management (including Public Awareness). Post-disaster Phase: Prompt and Efficient Response – Proactive. Reconstruction and Recovery (Building back better).
DM Plans Disaster Management Plans National Disaster Management Plan – June 2016. State Disaster Management Plan – All States/ UTs. District Disaster Management Plan – 630 Districts out of 718. 22 Ministries/ Departments have prepared their Disaster Management Plans, 05 Plans have been approved.
Guidelines 26 Issued, 4 under preparation Hazard Specific Facility Specific Cross-Cutting Earthquake Chemical (Industrial) Chemical (Terrorism) Floods Cyclones Biological Disasters Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies Landslides and Snow Avalanches Tsunami Urban Flooding Drought Boat Safety Heat-wave Thunderstorm, Squall and Lightning Training of Fire Services Seismic Retrofitting School Safety Hospital Safety Museum Cultural Heritage and precincts Temporary Shelters State Disaster Management Plans Information and Communication System Medical Preparedness and Mass Casualty Management Psycho-social support and mental health services Incident Response System Management of Dead in the Aftermath of Disaster Minimum Standards in Relief Camps Community Based DRR Disability Inclusive DRR Recovery through Build Back Better
Aligned with the priorities of …
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4 Reduction-oriented targets, 3 increase-oriented targets
Disaster risk reduction indicators in measuring the 2030 Agenda TARGETS
Opportunities Reduce creation of new Risks; Mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction into Development Plans and Programmes; Invest in Risk Reduction and Early Warning Systems; and Establish more predictable mechanisms to support response and recovery.