FY03 Profile of Air Force Then and Now in the Air Force 1 18.5 19.6 Sole Parents (Single with Children) Airmen with Children Officer Enlisted TOTAL Officer Enlisted TOTAL 53.2% 43.5% 45.4% 2.9% 5.4% 4.9% FY03 Profile of Air Force Average number of children (for Airmen with children): 2 Comparison to other Active-Duty Services * Includes AI/AN, AA/PI, and other, unknown Then and Now in the Air Force Racial/Ethnic Composition of Air Force, FY93 – FY03 15.0 19.6 18.5 4.7 14.7 5.5 15.4 15.7 3.5 Women in the Uniformed Services, FY93 & FY03 Dr. Betty D. Maxfield, Chief Office of Army Demographics E-mail: Betty.Maxfield@hqda.army.mil 1
Active-Duty Air Force TOTAL STRENGTH of the AIR FORCE White Black Hispanic Other TOTAL Male 84.2% 5.3% 3.3% 7.2% 60,259 Female 73.5% 12.5% 3.5% 10.5% 13,384 Total 82.2% 6.6% 7.9% 73,643 Commissioned Officer - Race/Ethnicity and Gender The following data are based on numbers provided by the U.S. Air Force to the Defense Manpower Data Center, and are valid as of September 15, 2003. TOTAL STRENGTH of the AIR FORCE Reserve 74,754 13.5% Guard 108,137 19.5% White Black Hispanic Other TOTAL Male 72.5% 15.4% 5.9% 6.2% 237,948 Female 59.0% 26.3% 6.8% 7.9% 59,354 Total 69.8% 17.6% 6.1% 6.5% 297,302 Enlisted – Race/Ethnicity and Gender Active 370,945 67.0% TOTAL STRENGTH 553,836 * Source: Air Force Academy Education White Black Hispanic Other TOTAL Officer Enlisted AIR RESERVE – Race/Ethnicity and Grade Officer 85.3% 6.3% 3.1% 5.3% 16,805 Enlisted 67.7% 18.9% 7.0% 6.4% 57,949 Total 71.7% 16.1% 6.1% 74,754 GED/HSDG 1.9% 80.3% Coll./AA 0.3% 13.8% BA/BS 42.9% 4.2% MA/PhD 50.2% 0.6% Other/Unk. 4.7% 1.1% Age Groups 17-20 21-24 25-29 30-39 40 & Over Family Members Officer 0% 9.6% 22.3% 40.9% 27.2% Enlisted 15.2% 28.0% 19.5% 27.0% 10.2% Spouses Children Other Dependents TOTAL 184,571 331,209 1,797 517,577 AIR GUARD – Race/Ethnicity and Grade White Black Hispanic Other TOTAL Officer 86.6% 5.1% 3.4% 4.9% 13,702 Enlisted 78.3% 9.3% 6.0% 6.4% 94,435 Total 79.3% 8.8% 5.7% 6.2% 108,137 Officer Enlisted TOTAL TOTAL MARRIED Male 74.3% 57.6% 60.9% 181,749 Female 54.5% 47.8% 49.0% 35,674 Total 70.7% 55.6% 58.6% 217,423 Married by Gender Active-Duty Air Force White Black Hispanic Other TOTAL Male 74.9% 13.3% 5.4% 6.4% 298,207 Female 61.6% 23.8% 6.2% 8.4% 72,738 Total 72.3% 15.4% 5.5% 6.8% 370,945 TOTAL ACTIVE - Race/Ethnicity and Gender Dual Military Marriages (pct of all marriages) Officer Enlisted TOTAL Male 9.6% 14.2% 13.1% Female 46.5% 62.0% 58.9% Total 14.8% 22.4% 20.6%