BR: 2/10/17 Review: How did the Onceler (and his friends) interact negatively with the environment? Give some examples: What lessons can we learn from The Lorax story?
World Geography Ch. 2.4 Human – Environment Interaction Humans can have negative impacts on our world in many ways, including the air we breathe, the land we live on, and the water we drink and bathe in
Humans and the Earth We humans can often have a negative effect on the world around us. One way is with air pollutants, which are harmful substances, entering our atmosphere. Are we the only factor? No, but we can control our effect. Some of these chemicals will combine with ozone and create smog, a nasty haze you can often see above cities and urban areas. This smog can be unhealthy for those sensitive to poor air quality, or anyone if it gets bad enough. Sadly, we in Utah and Salt Lake Valley are all too familiar with this, as the mountains on either side create a natural bowl that traps that air, in what we locally call an inversion VID
Air Pollution Continued Sometimes the chemicals from air pollution can combine with precipitation and form what is called acid rain. Literally acid, it rains down, eating away buildings, killing wildlife, especially fish, etc. These chemicals come from burning fossil fuels, which in recent years we’ve been working to lessen. VID Another way that our pollutants hurt the atmosphere are through CFCs or chlorofluorocarbons . These chemicals break down in the upper atmosphere, and also destroy ozone in our atmosphere, reducing the protective ozone layer that surrounds the earth, which keeps harmful radiation from hurting us. How it works Ozone Recovery
The Greenhouse Effect Another problem with air pollutants is what is called the Greenhouse Effect. We have a naturally-occurring greenhouse effect already, which keeps the Earth warm enough to sustain life. But if too much heat is trapped, (by extra air pollutants, or greenhouse gases like CO2 and Methane) then we all cook inside the atmosphere. This is called Global Warming V NatG As the video mentioned, the Earth has had colder and hotter cycles, so many scientists wonder if perhaps that is to blame. While debated, lots of evidence says that the extra greenhouse gases are to blame for more recent increased heat. Ways to lessen these effects? Solar power is one, as are LED lightbulbs, which use much less energy. We are continually trying to find ways to help our planet.
Greenhouse gases help keep that radiation or heat inside the atmosphere. Too little is bad, but too much is bad too!
The Lithosphere The earth’s surface / crust is also called the lithosphere. We as humans affect the lithosphere in many ways too, like logging, mining, and farming. We have learned to be smarter in how we farm in more recent years. Crop Rotation, for example, is when different crops are rotated being planted on the same area of land. This allows the soil to regenerate nutrients lost from different crops. VID Deforestation is a huge problem as well, since trees help hold the soil and prevent it from washing away, but they literally act as the lungs of the Earth, absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen. Many rainforests, which work hardest at this, are getting cut down at an alarming rate, and we need those trees! VID
Hydrosphere The hydrosphere refers to the Earth’s surface water and groundwater. Water is vital to human life. Conservation, or the careful use of a resource, is crucial to keep what little freshwater we have useful and available. We often use irrigation to water crops around the world. But it can also be wasteful, much of it being evaporated before it goes to good use. Sometimes, we also pollute our water with chemicals, trash, etc. Pesticides , or chemicals meant to kill bugs on crops, can be harmful to other living things, for example. Trash can trap & kill too.
Biosphere The biosphere is the collection of plants and animals of all types that live on Earth with us. The entire biosphere is divided into many ecosystems. An ecosystem is a place shared by plants and animals that depend on one another for survival. Shrinking biodiversity, or the variety of plants and animals living on the planet, is also a concern. Changes to the environment can lead to decreasing populations of plants and animals in an ecosystem, and will of course hurt us too.
Partner Activity Grab a chromebook, and check out one of the following topics: Biodiversity Threats Greenhouse Effect Deforestation Pollution, etc. Then, answer the following questions as you do: What role do humans have on the topic that you studied? Give several specific examples of this: What negative impacts are we having on this? What can we do to stop or even repair the damage caused?
HW: Reminder: HW: Create a Poster / Diagram of one of the following: Prevailing Winds Currents El Nino / La Nina Hurricanes, Typhoons*, etc. Local Winds Rain Shadow Effect Climate Zones Urban Climates Microclimates*, etc. See the handout, and remember that this will be due Friday, Feb. 10th. You can work in pairs on this if you wish. *I Added these ones, you may do it if you wish