Warm-up What should a government do for its people?
What is the Enlightenment? philosophical movement influenced by the Scientific Revolution, whose goal was to create a better society.
John Locke Believed in limited government the philosophy that government does not have absolute authority Tabula rasa = everyone is born with a blank mind Molded by experience If environments change = people would change = society would change Wrote the Two Treatises of Government, 1690
consent of the governed the political theory that governments gain their authority from their people A government is not legitimate if the people do not give their consent. How do we show our consent?
Rights Unalienable (natural): Rights that cannot be taken away from anyone, Equal: The belief that all persons, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, age, etc., have the same rights as everyone else.
Montesquieu separation of powers checks & balances Judicial, legislative, & executive checks & balances preventing any one person or group from gaining to much power US Constitution With your group, create a graphic organizer that displays the three branches of government. Include at least one picture for each branch.
Voltaire religious toleration deism = universe is like a clock, God (the clockmaker) created it, set it in motion & allows it to run without his interference Draw a clock. Write down 5 specific choices that you make everyday at their specific times. Explain why you make the choices you do.
Adam Smith laissez-faire - the state should not regulate the economy Gov’t should only provide protection (army) defense (police) public works (roads,etc) Create an acrostic poem using laissez-faire. The words you use should be words that describe what laissez-faire means.
Rousseau social contract- entire society agrees to be governed by its general will People choose who/how they are governed education should foster, not restrict, children’s natural instincts balance emotions & reason
Thomas Hobbes State of Nature How ppl would act w/o gov’t State of War Hobbes believed the state of nature in which man lived before the formation of society was founded on a savage selfishness (think caveman), which drove man to obtain pleasure without concern for justice or mercy toward other men. Humans were guided not by reason and moral ideals but by a ruthless struggle for self- preservation. State of nature- the philosophy regarding how humans would act in their most basic state without a civil government “nasty, brutish, short” No concern for justice or mercy State of war- Each individual was endowed with the right to do anything they pleased and people were in constant fear for their lives.