Emergency Medicine Evaluations By: Tiesha Saunders
Shift Evaluations You will receive an email labeled shift evaluation. In the email you will receive the following: An updated directory with hyperlinks for your convenience. (This email will have your supervisors email as well as my email. A copy of the evaluation request email. ( This will be located in a box, the body of the email will need to be copied, pasted and filled out by you.
SuPERVISORS Attendings/Residents/ PA’s To your right is an example of what you will see in the shift evaluation email. (List of supervisors) The list is comprised of EM attendings, residents, fellows and pa’s. You will receive this via email as an attachment. All the names are hyperlinked for your convenience. Click the name and an automatic email will pop up with the supervisors email as well as (Tiesha Saunders).
Step 2: Once you click the name an email will automatically pop up Step 1: Click the supervisors name Step 2: Once you click the name an email will automatically pop up
Procedures Completed on shift Sample Email (copy and paste in the body of the email) Fill out the information and send Supervisors Name Dear Dr. (Fan), I would greatly appreciate if you could fill out my shift evaluation. Name: (Patrick Dempsey) Date: (1/19/19, 3pm) Area: (KCH Pod A) Procedures: (heplock insertion, EKG reading, ultrasound, etc.) Instructions for Evaluator: In an effort to evaluate our students and improve the evaluation process we have created an online form. Please click the link below and complete the student evaluation post shift. Evaluation Link: https://goo.gl/forms/LR1C64OmmEzxvklh1 Your Full Name Date/Timeof shift Procedures Completed on shift Area
Welcome Email and Shift EVALUATION REQUEST You will receive a welcome email with course details. Shift evaluation request emails should be sent daily. Either send them at the beginning of your shift or post shift. Remember to always CC (Tiesha Saunders) on all request.